Monday, January 17, 2011

Horse walks into a pub. The barman says:

  1. "Why the long face?"
  2. "Hay!  Here's the mane menu for today."
  3. "Life got you feelin' a bit reined in, eh?"
  4. "Chewing on your bits and pieces, are you?"
  5. Fill in the blank: ______________________
Where do I plug my Kinect into my new Eggs Box?  Glad I don't have a frozen blackberry!  And them dongles and apples...well, that's between you and your equipment, isn't it?

If your population is being fed processed food, is that a sign you're being misled or misfed?  Should you even get out of bed?  What exactly's going through your head?

The freedom to speak one's thoughts openly is a blessing one can never fully appreciate in one's lifetime - long after you're gone, others will determine the worth of your freedom in the moment and the meaning/value to their celebration of freedom.

Is life a comparison of this to that all the time?

When is an orchid no longer wild?

When has a prizefighter reached prime?

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