I ponder, Israelis wonder if Iran is stirring up revolution, and Iranians worry it is the Israelis.
Opportunists circle and wait.
And so the cycle repeats itself.
Names like Davos and TED float on the air like stray drops of water in a cloudless sky.
I am a regular person in a normal global cultural setting where one group of states of energy assumes self-reflection means independence, denoting species as a label of separateness.
Western Civ is remembered more than taught as the leading mode of designed social structurisation.
The escape clause has escaped.
Six Sigma is news of the weird.
Do you mold your message to appeal to the well-defined edges of lockstepped subcultures?
I am the voice of anonymity, giving form to the random interactions of states of energy we call life.
If "I" do not exist, do I belong here?
All the days and memories of my life are one: me at this moment.
Can I wait for 14,341 days more to have my moment as a momentary telegraph operator relaying a brief message, knowing everything else is 100,000 years of silence until the next messenger acts?
Foolish feuilles.
Sitting and waiting, waiting and sitting, holding malaise at bay.
Needing an agent to maintain the imaginary divide between public and private personas/personae.
Caught in the fiction of life which I have no interest in interrupting, all of us parts of the message we cannot see or talk about.
I say I am invisible but the Committee says I am not - motives, votives and motivations at odds with each other.
Some days, being a grain of sand in the desert is sufficient - let the wind and earthquakes toss me where they may - I always seem to end up back in this spot.
Fate? Destiny? Invisible Hands at work? Self-delusional self-actualisation? All the same or hardly not the same at all?
The Philosophy of Humour, a growing branch of the Tree of Academic Hair-Splitting. Either that, or the symptoms of the disease of Information Overlording.
Time to contemplate an Indian River Navel Orange, better known as eating lunch.
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