I started to ask if you believe in time. But the fact is I don't.
States of energy spin in place or they bounce to/through some other spin cycle.
My scalp itches, which tells me I'm thinking about something important to say.
Question is, will I say it?
Can you understand that which is not some form of states of energy?
Can you look at a stack of fabric or woven carbon fiber and see our universe as one set of strands intersecting another?
Can you forget the concept of position-and-momentum?
Literally, you cannot, because you are the embodiment of position-and-momentum.
We would like to think of universes similar to ours that change only slightly, like some sort of butterfly effect or negative photographic image.
In fact, we use the term universe to describe our conditions here and project some idea of universe onto that which we cannot see, and only barely imagine, to account for our inability to sum the parts of our universe to 100%.
And yet, I can pick up the phone, talk to a person I haven't seen or heard in eighteen years, and carry on a conversation as if we'd looped around and come back to the same point again, our eighteen-year loops acting like individual universes, as if we were treading water until our loops completed a circle and intersected.
Our brains preserving neuronal connections as if they were going to be reused one day, almost as if they knew they were going to be reused one day.
As if...but cause and effect are illusions, are they not? Or at least they're mysteries we wish to keep unsolved.
Can I use any points of reality in this universe to serve as an example of "universes" that have no relation to this one, without resorting to the trickery, or false illusion of certainty, of mathematics?
Or do I drop a pebble in the pond and wait for someone on the opposite shore to interpret the purpose of the unknown origin of the waves lapping the beach?
Surely, you can imagine a ghost that you can't see and it can't see or encounter you in any physical way.
But that's giving the other entity a familiar shape when there is no familiar shape to that which you cannot see or interact with.
The word "entity" itself is more than what that you cannot see deserves.
As some have said, many universes (to keep using a familiar term) are uninteresting, in and of themselves.
But it doesn't prevent us from constructing a model with which we can figure out how to convert our states of energy into a useful form in one of those uninteresting systems, as long as we don't get too distracted from the more mundane tasks of rocketing representatives of planet Earth to other parts of the solar system/galaxy.
Breaking down and building up the model of ourselves as a single species in the process.
All while keeping an eye on those who're addicted to selfish hoarding of commercial assets and willing to destroy the environment and the lives of others in order to feed their addictions.
There's a difference between healthy economic growth and economic growth for the sake of those with a technically medical psychological disorder we jokingly call greed and/or obsessive/compulsive gambling.
You see, keeping track of all seven billion of us has its benefits - diagnosing illnesses on the personal and global scale, and treating them according to personal and global needs.
Persecution complex or delusions of grandeur will be dealt with.
We can't say with certainty how these "cures" will make society any better, but we can say we acted honestly in our attempt to improve the overall health of the species and its place in the global ecosystem.
Doesn't matter how big of a private army you've amassed for yourself, we know who you are and how to get to you. We can set private army against private army, if need be, to accomplish our tasks of saving the species from itself - you don't need another demonstration to know we can and we do.
In the meantime, I have to monitor my states of energy for signs of unnatural changes or deviations that are trending away from the norm for my states of energy.
After all, I know who I am, becoming conscious of my self at age five, constantly testing my abilities and my social connections along the way to now.
While the economic hoarders think they're deciding what to do about the future of Egypt, unnecessarily scared that a modern Islamic revolution may not be democratic, because they know other vultures like themselves would love to declare a democracy but really run a dictatorship or oligarchy of some kind, the Committee is moving forward with its plan to give power to the people, to form a balance, a barrier against those ill with obsessive gambling/hoarding disease.
If the Muslim Brotherhood is willing to ensure the power base is a type of representative government, they're invited. If not, then we'll give decisionmaking to ones we already have in place to act swiftly through word-of-mouth or other old-fashioned means to get the message to those who seek true freedom within the realm of intelligence/marketplace transactions that their desires will be fulfilled with their kind of democratically-minded people.
Meanwhile, I've got an eighteen-year loop to examine more closely and see if it'll help me explain to you a boundary line where states of energy meet the unimaginable.
Thanks to Kwasis at Rave today.
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