Stirred in with the normal is a bit of nurturing the absurd.
Flickers of unexplained dots of light in one's eyes in the dark is a sign of beings wanting to communicate with you from another universe.
Who or what group is fomenting revolution in the Mediterranean and African nations? Or would you say it's our species waking up to what's been going on a long time? Can you guess who's going to be next to be called upon to account for selfishness? It could be you, or me.
Here at OFU (Our Futurists' University), we pride ourselves on not taking ourselves seriously, unlike our competitors who think there's a real discipline to be taught to and make money off of your hard-working backs.
We believe in true freedom of information for the starving masses.
Saw clouds of gnats (in their mating dance) while I walked through the woods wearing shorts and a short-sleeved shirt in warm winter weather today. The leafcup has sprouted and lichen enjoy the recent wet weather. Birds chatted and clouds said helloooooo. Deer and raccoon tracks dotted the mud puddles.
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