Two music-related obituaries I'd missed, the death of Milton Babbitt and John Barry.
Guys, your music was an inspiration to generations and you'll be replaced with difficulty.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Three Mirrors
I started to ask if you believe in time. But the fact is I don't.
States of energy spin in place or they bounce to/through some other spin cycle.
My scalp itches, which tells me I'm thinking about something important to say.
Question is, will I say it?
Can you understand that which is not some form of states of energy?
Can you look at a stack of fabric or woven carbon fiber and see our universe as one set of strands intersecting another?
Can you forget the concept of position-and-momentum?
Literally, you cannot, because you are the embodiment of position-and-momentum.
We would like to think of universes similar to ours that change only slightly, like some sort of butterfly effect or negative photographic image.
In fact, we use the term universe to describe our conditions here and project some idea of universe onto that which we cannot see, and only barely imagine, to account for our inability to sum the parts of our universe to 100%.
And yet, I can pick up the phone, talk to a person I haven't seen or heard in eighteen years, and carry on a conversation as if we'd looped around and come back to the same point again, our eighteen-year loops acting like individual universes, as if we were treading water until our loops completed a circle and intersected.
Our brains preserving neuronal connections as if they were going to be reused one day, almost as if they knew they were going to be reused one day.
As if...but cause and effect are illusions, are they not? Or at least they're mysteries we wish to keep unsolved.
Can I use any points of reality in this universe to serve as an example of "universes" that have no relation to this one, without resorting to the trickery, or false illusion of certainty, of mathematics?
Or do I drop a pebble in the pond and wait for someone on the opposite shore to interpret the purpose of the unknown origin of the waves lapping the beach?
Surely, you can imagine a ghost that you can't see and it can't see or encounter you in any physical way.
But that's giving the other entity a familiar shape when there is no familiar shape to that which you cannot see or interact with.
The word "entity" itself is more than what that you cannot see deserves.
As some have said, many universes (to keep using a familiar term) are uninteresting, in and of themselves.
But it doesn't prevent us from constructing a model with which we can figure out how to convert our states of energy into a useful form in one of those uninteresting systems, as long as we don't get too distracted from the more mundane tasks of rocketing representatives of planet Earth to other parts of the solar system/galaxy.
Breaking down and building up the model of ourselves as a single species in the process.
All while keeping an eye on those who're addicted to selfish hoarding of commercial assets and willing to destroy the environment and the lives of others in order to feed their addictions.
There's a difference between healthy economic growth and economic growth for the sake of those with a technically medical psychological disorder we jokingly call greed and/or obsessive/compulsive gambling.
You see, keeping track of all seven billion of us has its benefits - diagnosing illnesses on the personal and global scale, and treating them according to personal and global needs.
Persecution complex or delusions of grandeur will be dealt with.
We can't say with certainty how these "cures" will make society any better, but we can say we acted honestly in our attempt to improve the overall health of the species and its place in the global ecosystem.
Doesn't matter how big of a private army you've amassed for yourself, we know who you are and how to get to you. We can set private army against private army, if need be, to accomplish our tasks of saving the species from itself - you don't need another demonstration to know we can and we do.
In the meantime, I have to monitor my states of energy for signs of unnatural changes or deviations that are trending away from the norm for my states of energy.
After all, I know who I am, becoming conscious of my self at age five, constantly testing my abilities and my social connections along the way to now.
While the economic hoarders think they're deciding what to do about the future of Egypt, unnecessarily scared that a modern Islamic revolution may not be democratic, because they know other vultures like themselves would love to declare a democracy but really run a dictatorship or oligarchy of some kind, the Committee is moving forward with its plan to give power to the people, to form a balance, a barrier against those ill with obsessive gambling/hoarding disease.
If the Muslim Brotherhood is willing to ensure the power base is a type of representative government, they're invited. If not, then we'll give decisionmaking to ones we already have in place to act swiftly through word-of-mouth or other old-fashioned means to get the message to those who seek true freedom within the realm of intelligence/marketplace transactions that their desires will be fulfilled with their kind of democratically-minded people.
Meanwhile, I've got an eighteen-year loop to examine more closely and see if it'll help me explain to you a boundary line where states of energy meet the unimaginable.
Thanks to Kwasis at Rave today.
States of energy spin in place or they bounce to/through some other spin cycle.
My scalp itches, which tells me I'm thinking about something important to say.
Question is, will I say it?
Can you understand that which is not some form of states of energy?
Can you look at a stack of fabric or woven carbon fiber and see our universe as one set of strands intersecting another?
Can you forget the concept of position-and-momentum?
Literally, you cannot, because you are the embodiment of position-and-momentum.
We would like to think of universes similar to ours that change only slightly, like some sort of butterfly effect or negative photographic image.
In fact, we use the term universe to describe our conditions here and project some idea of universe onto that which we cannot see, and only barely imagine, to account for our inability to sum the parts of our universe to 100%.
And yet, I can pick up the phone, talk to a person I haven't seen or heard in eighteen years, and carry on a conversation as if we'd looped around and come back to the same point again, our eighteen-year loops acting like individual universes, as if we were treading water until our loops completed a circle and intersected.
Our brains preserving neuronal connections as if they were going to be reused one day, almost as if they knew they were going to be reused one day.
As if...but cause and effect are illusions, are they not? Or at least they're mysteries we wish to keep unsolved.
Can I use any points of reality in this universe to serve as an example of "universes" that have no relation to this one, without resorting to the trickery, or false illusion of certainty, of mathematics?
Or do I drop a pebble in the pond and wait for someone on the opposite shore to interpret the purpose of the unknown origin of the waves lapping the beach?
Surely, you can imagine a ghost that you can't see and it can't see or encounter you in any physical way.
But that's giving the other entity a familiar shape when there is no familiar shape to that which you cannot see or interact with.
The word "entity" itself is more than what that you cannot see deserves.
As some have said, many universes (to keep using a familiar term) are uninteresting, in and of themselves.
But it doesn't prevent us from constructing a model with which we can figure out how to convert our states of energy into a useful form in one of those uninteresting systems, as long as we don't get too distracted from the more mundane tasks of rocketing representatives of planet Earth to other parts of the solar system/galaxy.
Breaking down and building up the model of ourselves as a single species in the process.
All while keeping an eye on those who're addicted to selfish hoarding of commercial assets and willing to destroy the environment and the lives of others in order to feed their addictions.
There's a difference between healthy economic growth and economic growth for the sake of those with a technically medical psychological disorder we jokingly call greed and/or obsessive/compulsive gambling.
You see, keeping track of all seven billion of us has its benefits - diagnosing illnesses on the personal and global scale, and treating them according to personal and global needs.
Persecution complex or delusions of grandeur will be dealt with.
We can't say with certainty how these "cures" will make society any better, but we can say we acted honestly in our attempt to improve the overall health of the species and its place in the global ecosystem.
Doesn't matter how big of a private army you've amassed for yourself, we know who you are and how to get to you. We can set private army against private army, if need be, to accomplish our tasks of saving the species from itself - you don't need another demonstration to know we can and we do.
In the meantime, I have to monitor my states of energy for signs of unnatural changes or deviations that are trending away from the norm for my states of energy.
After all, I know who I am, becoming conscious of my self at age five, constantly testing my abilities and my social connections along the way to now.
While the economic hoarders think they're deciding what to do about the future of Egypt, unnecessarily scared that a modern Islamic revolution may not be democratic, because they know other vultures like themselves would love to declare a democracy but really run a dictatorship or oligarchy of some kind, the Committee is moving forward with its plan to give power to the people, to form a balance, a barrier against those ill with obsessive gambling/hoarding disease.
If the Muslim Brotherhood is willing to ensure the power base is a type of representative government, they're invited. If not, then we'll give decisionmaking to ones we already have in place to act swiftly through word-of-mouth or other old-fashioned means to get the message to those who seek true freedom within the realm of intelligence/marketplace transactions that their desires will be fulfilled with their kind of democratically-minded people.
Meanwhile, I've got an eighteen-year loop to examine more closely and see if it'll help me explain to you a boundary line where states of energy meet the unimaginable.
Thanks to Kwasis at Rave today.
The Past Calls Out One More Time
Fill the air with enough smoke and mirrors and the people will grow numb through ennui. Also, being comfortable in one's religious beliefs allows one to make fun outside the artificial bounds of insecurity. And so it goes...
= == === ==== === == =
Eternal Nourishment
I know you've heard me say I don't believe in God.
If you haven't then I'll say it again:
"I don't believe in God."
Why should I?
Everyday I go to the altar of food
Where my wants and needs are satisfied.
I used to worry about leaving the house.
When I'm at home,
I solve my problems by going to the kitchen.
When I'm away from home,
I can't always drive back if a problem arises.
I can't carry the kitchen with me everywhere I go, either.
There's something about the kitchen.
If I feel depressed 'cause I feel indecisive,
I just walk to the kitchen and fix something to eat.
Voila! I've made a decision.
If I feel sad, I can always cheer myself up with
A bowl of ice cream.
In the morning, I go to the kitchen
And the refrigerator answers my morning prayer
With a glass of orange juice.
I sacrifice a grapefruit on the counter
Before I go to school.
But like I said,
I used to worry about leaving the house.
I no longer worry.
Thank God for fast food and convenience stores.
Now, I can solve my problems --
My wants and needs --
Immediately, anywhere, I go.
- 12 February 1986
= == === ==== === == =
False Webs of Logic
I think, therefore I am. -- Descartes
I am more than body or mind.
I am body and mind.
If reincarnation,
The movement of soul from a dying/dead body
to a newly created body,
Then in my last body I was taken away
Before I really wanted to leave.
On another level (in other words, in another context),
To believe this life is worthwhile,
I want life to be a continuous movement,
Neither away nor toward, increasing nor decreasing,
Just movement [for movement's sake].
Life is motion.
Whether my life as a human being is worthwhile,
The death of this "me" would result only in the
Change of movement of the parts of "me."
My life, as a human being and a part of an ecosystem,
Is organized movement, random acts
That on certain scales of observation appear to follow patterns.
On one of these scales, I do not want "I" to appear.
Which scale(s) shall I choose?
When I stop to be influenced by my immediate surroundings,
I realize I sometimes write/think to avoid participating
in this life.
Participating entails taking out the trash,
Studying for exams and other tasks I deplore
(Which require little effort to accomplish)
But which "everyone" must do to live.
Tasks, trades, chores, skills --
We must do something since doing is moving
And moving is living.
"Is" -- the verbal equals sign.
"Me" -- the consequence of human existence.
Aah! I relaxed when I hugged a pillow last night
And told myself all the thoughts of mine are wonderful
And, at least, matter to someone -- me -- the solipsist.
Me is the Someone in my life.
The Others I can never completely understand.
Someone must understand me and I must understand Someone.
Therefore, Someone can only be me.
"I" and "me" disappear to become "all."
Every human being,
Every source of movement recognizable by this "all,"
Is like this "all,"
And we're all "all" together.
Shall I jump into the "world village" life
Or slip back into my solipsistic shell?
That's a question for Someone (like me) to figure out.
Some of us are original, some of us clever
And the rest sit on their brains.
I like myself better when I'm funny.
My attempts at philosophy are webs of false logic.
I shit, therefore I am.
- 17 February 1986
= == === ==== === == =
= == === ==== === == =
Eternal Nourishment
I know you've heard me say I don't believe in God.
If you haven't then I'll say it again:
"I don't believe in God."
Why should I?
Everyday I go to the altar of food
Where my wants and needs are satisfied.
I used to worry about leaving the house.
When I'm at home,
I solve my problems by going to the kitchen.
When I'm away from home,
I can't always drive back if a problem arises.
I can't carry the kitchen with me everywhere I go, either.
There's something about the kitchen.
If I feel depressed 'cause I feel indecisive,
I just walk to the kitchen and fix something to eat.
Voila! I've made a decision.
If I feel sad, I can always cheer myself up with
A bowl of ice cream.
In the morning, I go to the kitchen
And the refrigerator answers my morning prayer
With a glass of orange juice.
I sacrifice a grapefruit on the counter
Before I go to school.
But like I said,
I used to worry about leaving the house.
I no longer worry.
Thank God for fast food and convenience stores.
Now, I can solve my problems --
My wants and needs --
Immediately, anywhere, I go.
- 12 February 1986
= == === ==== === == =
False Webs of Logic
I think, therefore I am. -- Descartes
I am more than body or mind.
I am body and mind.
If reincarnation,
The movement of soul from a dying/dead body
to a newly created body,
Then in my last body I was taken away
Before I really wanted to leave.
On another level (in other words, in another context),
To believe this life is worthwhile,
I want life to be a continuous movement,
Neither away nor toward, increasing nor decreasing,
Just movement [for movement's sake].
Life is motion.
Whether my life as a human being is worthwhile,
The death of this "me" would result only in the
Change of movement of the parts of "me."
My life, as a human being and a part of an ecosystem,
Is organized movement, random acts
That on certain scales of observation appear to follow patterns.
On one of these scales, I do not want "I" to appear.
Which scale(s) shall I choose?
When I stop to be influenced by my immediate surroundings,
I realize I sometimes write/think to avoid participating
in this life.
Participating entails taking out the trash,
Studying for exams and other tasks I deplore
(Which require little effort to accomplish)
But which "everyone" must do to live.
Tasks, trades, chores, skills --
We must do something since doing is moving
And moving is living.
"Is" -- the verbal equals sign.
"Me" -- the consequence of human existence.
Aah! I relaxed when I hugged a pillow last night
And told myself all the thoughts of mine are wonderful
And, at least, matter to someone -- me -- the solipsist.
Me is the Someone in my life.
The Others I can never completely understand.
Someone must understand me and I must understand Someone.
Therefore, Someone can only be me.
"I" and "me" disappear to become "all."
Every human being,
Every source of movement recognizable by this "all,"
Is like this "all,"
And we're all "all" together.
Shall I jump into the "world village" life
Or slip back into my solipsistic shell?
That's a question for Someone (like me) to figure out.
Some of us are original, some of us clever
And the rest sit on their brains.
I like myself better when I'm funny.
My attempts at philosophy are webs of false logic.
I shit, therefore I am.
- 17 February 1986
= == === ==== === == =
A few more to fill the dead air space before the next major blog entry...
= == === ==== === == =
Thoughts While Driving The Car From Knoxville
Interpersonal communication --
When conversing with someone else
(One or more persons),
I find that person influences my thoughts and reactions
In that I see the reflection of myself in that person
And see what qualities (reactions) I want to have reflected.
"We are who our friends are."
As we change, our vocabularies change,
Thus our tools for communication change,
So life is an ongoing conversation
To establish or determine what our vocabularies are
But changing them at the same time.
"We all die alone."
We die with our last thoughts unspoken.
- 12 January 1986
= == === ==== === == =
Thoughts While Driving The Car To Knoxville
Qualities...that's what it was...
Today I realized that it was the same qualities...
That that person had the same qualities as I had...
And my dream [emotion/draw] was just my admiration of
that person having the same qualities.
I have always admired them.
It gives you that ability to do, get-out-and-go chutzpah,
That...That...uh...that urge to...
How can you help but admire that?
That's how I get up and go. I just get it out real quick.
Isn't that what a sane person does?
- 18 January 1986
= == === ==== === == =
Leaving Knoxville Again
Isn't it funny?
I look forward to this feeling
Of the absence of human touch.
What is my natural repulsion
To the touch of other humans?
M & P,
Give me a little longer
To figure out you guys aren't perfect.
- 19 January 1986
= == === ==== === == =
Sleepfulness and Wakelessness
I opened my eyes and the dawn spoke to me in a giant whisper, a sound that hinted of warm afternoons and apples falling onto fresh-cut grass.
I closed my eyes to recall the dreams, the insane fantasies from the inner universe untouched by Time.
My eyes opened or closed, my thoughts see the dawn and the dreams as one. No beginning or end, no infinity in which to hide, both time and timelessness intertwined to form my world, an existence totally apart from me but really me apart from the world; "I" has no bounds.
This world a highway and I a driver asleep at the wheel.
Thank God, God bless you, Goddamn -- God takes many forms.
"Yessir. Just visitin' this planet. Won't be here long."
I'm off to dream a world of peace where sleeping forms control.
I'm off to Never-Never Land, never to return.
I'm gone. Goodbye. Goodnight.
- 22 January 1986
= == === ==== === == =
Waiting for Inspiration
"Living with your mind is a personal responsibility."
In this...this and that, this and that, this and that...
Silence except for a classical concert
On public radio (redundant) station,
I wait for the mental boost to write on subjects I wish to discuss.
A poem about looking at a fire,
Staring into the flames,
Engulfing the coals for later nourishment.
A story about my eavesdropping visit to the Hyland Plasma Center:
"What have you been doing with yourself?"
"Yeah, well, I'm on probation for five years."
"Why don't we buy a half gallon after this?"
A story of sexual fantasies.
- 23 January 1986
= == === ==== === == =
Thoughts While Driving The Car From Knoxville
Interpersonal communication --
When conversing with someone else
(One or more persons),
I find that person influences my thoughts and reactions
In that I see the reflection of myself in that person
And see what qualities (reactions) I want to have reflected.
"We are who our friends are."
As we change, our vocabularies change,
Thus our tools for communication change,
So life is an ongoing conversation
To establish or determine what our vocabularies are
But changing them at the same time.
"We all die alone."
We die with our last thoughts unspoken.
- 12 January 1986
= == === ==== === == =
Thoughts While Driving The Car To Knoxville
Qualities...that's what it was...
Today I realized that it was the same qualities...
That that person had the same qualities as I had...
And my dream [emotion/draw] was just my admiration of
that person having the same qualities.
I have always admired them.
It gives you that ability to do, get-out-and-go chutzpah,
That...That...uh...that urge to...
How can you help but admire that?
That's how I get up and go. I just get it out real quick.
Isn't that what a sane person does?
- 18 January 1986
= == === ==== === == =
Leaving Knoxville Again
Isn't it funny?
I look forward to this feeling
Of the absence of human touch.
What is my natural repulsion
To the touch of other humans?
M & P,
Give me a little longer
To figure out you guys aren't perfect.
- 19 January 1986
= == === ==== === == =
Sleepfulness and Wakelessness
I opened my eyes and the dawn spoke to me in a giant whisper, a sound that hinted of warm afternoons and apples falling onto fresh-cut grass.
I closed my eyes to recall the dreams, the insane fantasies from the inner universe untouched by Time.
My eyes opened or closed, my thoughts see the dawn and the dreams as one. No beginning or end, no infinity in which to hide, both time and timelessness intertwined to form my world, an existence totally apart from me but really me apart from the world; "I" has no bounds.
This world a highway and I a driver asleep at the wheel.
Thank God, God bless you, Goddamn -- God takes many forms.
"Yessir. Just visitin' this planet. Won't be here long."
I'm off to dream a world of peace where sleeping forms control.
I'm off to Never-Never Land, never to return.
I'm gone. Goodbye. Goodnight.
- 22 January 1986
= == === ==== === == =
Waiting for Inspiration
"Living with your mind is a personal responsibility."
In this...this and that, this and that, this and that...
Silence except for a classical concert
On public radio (redundant) station,
I wait for the mental boost to write on subjects I wish to discuss.
A poem about looking at a fire,
Staring into the flames,
Engulfing the coals for later nourishment.
A story about my eavesdropping visit to the Hyland Plasma Center:
"What have you been doing with yourself?"
"Yeah, well, I'm on probation for five years."
"Why don't we buy a half gallon after this?"
A story of sexual fantasies.
- 23 January 1986
= == === ==== === == =
Another Artistic Break
The Wondering Wanderer
Smokey's Restaurant, University of Tennessee campus, Knoxville, Tennessee
I sit here, the wondering wanderer (the wandering wonderer),
And wonder in my wanderings.
If I love longer,
Shall I have to think?
Shall I make decisions and make goals?
Or will I keep wandering,
Drifting in the no-man's land,
Forever searching for nothing.
Nothing...for me, there is nothing;
[Me, like you, is undefined]
For I, for you, have everything, everything no one else can have.
Anyone can have anything, except everything you have now.
Tomorrow, you may have nothing.
Anyone can have everything tomorrow.
Negation, nihilism -- I refuse myself everything.
If I can't have everything then I have nothing.
Everything is nothing in the end.
I already have everything, n'est pas?
No matter how you cover it, it is just the same.
Words come and go like people.
Time to go. See you later. Nice to meet you.
Have fun. Be good.
"Hey, be careful out there."
If you don't want to learn a new culture
(Or understand the people),
Force your culture upon all other cultures.
We are all human animals. They are all animals.
We learn by doing.
I feel anxiety with other people and often feel out of control.
Ideas to help you function effectively:
1) It's definitely nice to have people's love and approval --
but even without it, I can still accept and enjoy MYSELF.
2) Doing things well is satisfying --
but it's human to make mistakes;
3) People are going to act the way THEY want --
not the way I want.
Did we invent robots or did we rediscover ourselves?
- 11 January 1986
Smokey's Restaurant, University of Tennessee campus, Knoxville, Tennessee
I sit here, the wondering wanderer (the wandering wonderer),
And wonder in my wanderings.
If I love longer,
Shall I have to think?
Shall I make decisions and make goals?
Or will I keep wandering,
Drifting in the no-man's land,
Forever searching for nothing.
Nothing...for me, there is nothing;
[Me, like you, is undefined]
For I, for you, have everything, everything no one else can have.
Anyone can have anything, except everything you have now.
Tomorrow, you may have nothing.
Anyone can have everything tomorrow.
Negation, nihilism -- I refuse myself everything.
If I can't have everything then I have nothing.
Everything is nothing in the end.
I already have everything, n'est pas?
No matter how you cover it, it is just the same.
Words come and go like people.
Time to go. See you later. Nice to meet you.
Have fun. Be good.
"Hey, be careful out there."
If you don't want to learn a new culture
(Or understand the people),
Force your culture upon all other cultures.
We are all human animals. They are all animals.
We learn by doing.
I feel anxiety with other people and often feel out of control.
Ideas to help you function effectively:
1) It's definitely nice to have people's love and approval --
but even without it, I can still accept and enjoy MYSELF.
2) Doing things well is satisfying --
but it's human to make mistakes;
3) People are going to act the way THEY want --
not the way I want.
Did we invent robots or did we rediscover ourselves?
- 11 January 1986
While I topped off the water in my 55-gallon aquarium, watching the green and brown algae pieces spin in mini-eddies between the filters and pumps which keep water circulating healthily, I asked the living creatures inside, "Who are you?"
The gurgling of popping water bubbles was the response.
I don't know how many letters, emails and IMs I get requesting the identities of the Committee members and the two in the know.
I repeat, they aren't who you think they are.
We have bigger fish to fry than you can possibly imagine.
And the fish don't come from the depleting stock of marine animals readily available and palatable for eating, either.
And those of you who have jumped up and down about the phrase "New World Order" need to understand that every day of our species' modern existence has been a reformation of the New World Order, so don't create conspiracies or theories about hidden agendas.
Remember, this is about all seven billion of us, including our personal beliefs, habits and locations.
We take into account every cult, religion, occult practice, secular behaviour, lifestyle and spending trend in which you participate.
Your life, unbeknownst to most of you, is a series of tests to ensure you are behaving as you appear to behave. Unlike what some will tell you, we have no specific plan for you - we just want to know what you're doing and how it changes the interconnections between other groups of states of energy like yourself.
You are always free to choose your behaviour in the moment.
We would like to believe every one of you makes a conscientious effort to choose your behaviour wisely.
But we know better.
That's why we work with the animatronic and computer graphics industry to get your children used to watching CG videos and playing videogames so when they visit zoos and aquariums, they can't tell the real animals from the robotic ones we're slowly putting in place to make exotic animal husbandry more affordable and controllable.
Eventually, your children's children won't tell the difference between a real member of our species and an artificial one, enabling us to keep our species' behaviour more orderly.
Until then, here's a story a friend told me about her family (I've changed the situation slightly to protect the participants).
An aunt of my friend kept calling my friend, Elizabeth, about problems with the toilet.
Elizabeth would check out the toilet and find no problem but her aunt insisted that Elizabeth stop by every time there was a problem.
Elizabeth bought her aunt a toilet plunger and showed her aunt how to use it.
Still, her aunt kept calling.
Exasperated, Elizabeth asked her uncle if he knew what the problem was.
He didn't. He said that everytime he sat on the toilet, his testicles would hang down into the water and he'd tell his wife, Elizabeth's aunt, about how the level of the water in the toilet kept seeming to rise, his personal joke about the effect of gravity on an old man's set of balls.
After a good laugh at her uncle's joke, Elizabeth explained to her aunt that the problem wasn't a stopped-up toilet but that gravity and old age had gotten the best of her aunt's husband.
The aunt laughed and apologised. She said that she understood. She was looking in the mirror the other day, thinking that her belly was hanging over her pants and then realised that it was one of her breasts.
We can still live our normal lives, fully aware and appreciative of the fact that the Committee is looking out for your best interests.
Some days, those interests include violent protests but most days it includes quiet days of families taking care of one another and sharing their own private jokes.
The gurgling of popping water bubbles was the response.
I don't know how many letters, emails and IMs I get requesting the identities of the Committee members and the two in the know.
I repeat, they aren't who you think they are.
We have bigger fish to fry than you can possibly imagine.
And the fish don't come from the depleting stock of marine animals readily available and palatable for eating, either.
And those of you who have jumped up and down about the phrase "New World Order" need to understand that every day of our species' modern existence has been a reformation of the New World Order, so don't create conspiracies or theories about hidden agendas.
Remember, this is about all seven billion of us, including our personal beliefs, habits and locations.
We take into account every cult, religion, occult practice, secular behaviour, lifestyle and spending trend in which you participate.
Your life, unbeknownst to most of you, is a series of tests to ensure you are behaving as you appear to behave. Unlike what some will tell you, we have no specific plan for you - we just want to know what you're doing and how it changes the interconnections between other groups of states of energy like yourself.
You are always free to choose your behaviour in the moment.
We would like to believe every one of you makes a conscientious effort to choose your behaviour wisely.
But we know better.
That's why we work with the animatronic and computer graphics industry to get your children used to watching CG videos and playing videogames so when they visit zoos and aquariums, they can't tell the real animals from the robotic ones we're slowly putting in place to make exotic animal husbandry more affordable and controllable.
Eventually, your children's children won't tell the difference between a real member of our species and an artificial one, enabling us to keep our species' behaviour more orderly.
Until then, here's a story a friend told me about her family (I've changed the situation slightly to protect the participants).
An aunt of my friend kept calling my friend, Elizabeth, about problems with the toilet.
Elizabeth would check out the toilet and find no problem but her aunt insisted that Elizabeth stop by every time there was a problem.
Elizabeth bought her aunt a toilet plunger and showed her aunt how to use it.
Still, her aunt kept calling.
Exasperated, Elizabeth asked her uncle if he knew what the problem was.
He didn't. He said that everytime he sat on the toilet, his testicles would hang down into the water and he'd tell his wife, Elizabeth's aunt, about how the level of the water in the toilet kept seeming to rise, his personal joke about the effect of gravity on an old man's set of balls.
After a good laugh at her uncle's joke, Elizabeth explained to her aunt that the problem wasn't a stopped-up toilet but that gravity and old age had gotten the best of her aunt's husband.
The aunt laughed and apologised. She said that she understood. She was looking in the mirror the other day, thinking that her belly was hanging over her pants and then realised that it was one of her breasts.
We can still live our normal lives, fully aware and appreciative of the fact that the Committee is looking out for your best interests.
Some days, those interests include violent protests but most days it includes quiet days of families taking care of one another and sharing their own private jokes.
Thanks For Your Patience
For some, a holiday is sitting on the beach, exposing skin cells to UV radiation, while reading a book easily forgotten.
For me, the perfect holiday is thinking up comic riffs about the state of the world.
My holiday of nurturing the absurd is over. No more trying to get us to reduce subculture clashes through humour.
Back to getting us in the mood for building positive, life-affirming solutions to problems, both real and imagined.
More as it develops...
For me, the perfect holiday is thinking up comic riffs about the state of the world.
My holiday of nurturing the absurd is over. No more trying to get us to reduce subculture clashes through humour.
Back to getting us in the mood for building positive, life-affirming solutions to problems, both real and imagined.
More as it develops...
We Pride Ourselves On Huge Subsidies of Private Business
So, let me get this straight, we plan to cut off medical support of the elderly and get rid of our teachers (some of the lowest paid state workers) but we'll keep subsidising our industries without removing a penny from their coffers, all to let the states figure a way out of bankruptcy, just so we can say we are no longer the United States of America but merely the United America, eliminating the pesky, petty problem of states' rights?
Even though the Committee clearly has me organising us into a perfect New World Order, it sometimes raises the hairs down my back (forcing me to recomb my back hair) and puts pimples on geese when I think about our having to sing "New World Order over all us" in pubs while we drink to forget the poverty we've forced on the majority of our species' members.
Today's political commentary is brought to you by the makers of Pulp Paper, who happily share the following message with its loyal customers, "If you want the freedom of printing at home, we want to pollute the water in your backyard - green, algae-filled water is a sign of a healthy environment, thanks to our friends in the agricultural runoff business."
Even though the Committee clearly has me organising us into a perfect New World Order, it sometimes raises the hairs down my back (forcing me to recomb my back hair) and puts pimples on geese when I think about our having to sing "New World Order over all us" in pubs while we drink to forget the poverty we've forced on the majority of our species' members.
Today's political commentary is brought to you by the makers of Pulp Paper, who happily share the following message with its loyal customers, "If you want the freedom of printing at home, we want to pollute the water in your backyard - green, algae-filled water is a sign of a healthy environment, thanks to our friends in the agricultural runoff business."
We Pride Ourselves On The Ability To Copy The Works Of Others
So, let me get this right, your technology is said to be made from plans stolen from another sovereign nation, your factories are famous for churning out CDs/DVDs of stolen intellectual property and now this?
Thank goodness, I can keep separate my views of the Chinese (mainly Han) people and the area of the world under communist control from which many of them (or their families) came or in which they reside.
But let's get down to serious business.
The Committee wants me to put aside the horse play (and it was a good one, called "The Mane Event," about a scrappy foal that turned into a strapping racer who, in the climactic scene in climatic weather (we no longer use "inclement" because it has negative connotations), would pull up short of the finish line to let an underprivileged jockey take an unknown horse to victory), and tell it like it is or it's going to be.
We'll see.
I don't like being told what to do.
It tends to make me push our global cultural movements in a comic direction for a while.
We close this broadcast with the famous bars from the William Tell Overture.
And now, a word from our sponsor.
Thank goodness, I can keep separate my views of the Chinese (mainly Han) people and the area of the world under communist control from which many of them (or their families) came or in which they reside.
But let's get down to serious business.
The Committee wants me to put aside the horse play (and it was a good one, called "The Mane Event," about a scrappy foal that turned into a strapping racer who, in the climactic scene in climatic weather (we no longer use "inclement" because it has negative connotations), would pull up short of the finish line to let an underprivileged jockey take an unknown horse to victory), and tell it like it is or it's going to be.
We'll see.
I don't like being told what to do.
It tends to make me push our global cultural movements in a comic direction for a while.
We close this broadcast with the famous bars from the William Tell Overture.
And now, a word from our sponsor.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
More Data Points
Will Rogers Follies to...
Tommy to...
Beauty and the Beast to...
Craig Ferguson to...
Helen Bonham Carter to...
Gatlin Brothers to...
Mussorgsky to...
Rolex 24 Hours of Daytona to...
Long Beach to...
Queen Mary to...
the F5 key...
to Tune In Tomorrow...
to memory upgrade..
to two too much Deuxième Bureau intrigue.
And now, back to reality!
Tommy to...
Beauty and the Beast to...
Craig Ferguson to...
Helen Bonham Carter to...
Gatlin Brothers to...
Mussorgsky to...
Rolex 24 Hours of Daytona to...
Long Beach to...
Queen Mary to...
the F5 key...
to Tune In Tomorrow...
to memory upgrade..
to two too much Deuxième Bureau intrigue.
And now, back to reality!
Cranking Up The Wayback Machine
Winter Storm Advisory
We’re in the midst
Of what the weather forecasters call
Blizzard conditions;
That is, we have 5-8 inches of snow on the ground
And the wind is gusting up to 50 miles/hour.
The official temperature is 25°F right now.
Some TV stations are calling this
The Storm Of The Century.
I can see why.
Snow fell in Mobile (two inches),
Birmingham (13 inches),
and Montgomery (3 inches).
Over 12 inches fell in the mountains
Around Mentone (the Lookout Mountain area).
Unfortunately for the birds,
I put the last of the birdseed in the bird feeder out back
So I hope they have enough to last them a couple of days.
- 13 March 1993
= == === ==== === == =
Do Bookies Bet On The Weather?
I walked through the woods yesterday
And saw footprints in the snow
Left by many animals including deer, dogs and birds.
Some of the dog-size prints
May have been possum or raccoon since they, too,
Occupy the woods behind my house.
Several cedar trees and limbs had fallen
Or broken off due to snow.
Officially (so to speak),
I measured the snow in our yard on Saturday;
I measured six inches on the driveway
And thirteen and a half inches on the back deck
(An actual snow drift in Huntsville!).
Mount Mitchell in North Carolina recorded 50 inches
While Asheville had around two feet of snow.
Several cities from Alabama to Pennsylvania
Recorded new 24-hour snowfall records.
Therefore, news agencies labeled this storm,
"The storm of the century."
Also, I’ll mention several cities up the East Coast
Recorded new barometric pressure lows.
New low of 12°F on Saturday night.
Janeil and I will try to drive over the mountain
To work this morning.
- 15 March 1993
= == === ==== === == =
Merrily, Merrily, Merrily...
Collecting my thoughts for another ride
Through the valley of no evil, paychecks or worries.
Not a lot to worry about anyway,
Just cruising along the highway -- literally.
I and the passengers of this car
Plan to spend the day
At the Starwood Amphitheater in Nashville.
I look forward to spending the day with friends
But I don’t relish the thought
Of sweating in the hot sun all day.
What the hell --
There’s always pain in pleasure.
Sometimes you just have to look
A little harder for the pleasure.
While aging on this planet,
I notice I allow myself
To let the thinking process slide by
Without recording the words on paper.
That’s okay.
I’ve been living a life
That doesn’t need to be on paper.
I live the eternal dance of BORNMARRYDIE,
which is a short version of
The ultimate dance of life.
Some people have argued recently
That MARRY should be replaced with MATE.
I respond to those
That in my world
MARRY is the word for MATE.
- 6 July 1993
= == === ==== === == =
We’re in the midst
Of what the weather forecasters call
Blizzard conditions;
That is, we have 5-8 inches of snow on the ground
And the wind is gusting up to 50 miles/hour.
The official temperature is 25°F right now.
Some TV stations are calling this
The Storm Of The Century.
I can see why.
Snow fell in Mobile (two inches),
Birmingham (13 inches),
and Montgomery (3 inches).
Over 12 inches fell in the mountains
Around Mentone (the Lookout Mountain area).
Unfortunately for the birds,
I put the last of the birdseed in the bird feeder out back
So I hope they have enough to last them a couple of days.
- 13 March 1993
= == === ==== === == =
Do Bookies Bet On The Weather?
I walked through the woods yesterday
And saw footprints in the snow
Left by many animals including deer, dogs and birds.
Some of the dog-size prints
May have been possum or raccoon since they, too,
Occupy the woods behind my house.
Several cedar trees and limbs had fallen
Or broken off due to snow.
Officially (so to speak),
I measured the snow in our yard on Saturday;
I measured six inches on the driveway
And thirteen and a half inches on the back deck
(An actual snow drift in Huntsville!).
Mount Mitchell in North Carolina recorded 50 inches
While Asheville had around two feet of snow.
Several cities from Alabama to Pennsylvania
Recorded new 24-hour snowfall records.
Therefore, news agencies labeled this storm,
"The storm of the century."
Also, I’ll mention several cities up the East Coast
Recorded new barometric pressure lows.
New low of 12°F on Saturday night.
Janeil and I will try to drive over the mountain
To work this morning.
- 15 March 1993
= == === ==== === == =
Merrily, Merrily, Merrily...
Collecting my thoughts for another ride
Through the valley of no evil, paychecks or worries.
Not a lot to worry about anyway,
Just cruising along the highway -- literally.
I and the passengers of this car
Plan to spend the day
At the Starwood Amphitheater in Nashville.
I look forward to spending the day with friends
But I don’t relish the thought
Of sweating in the hot sun all day.
What the hell --
There’s always pain in pleasure.
Sometimes you just have to look
A little harder for the pleasure.
While aging on this planet,
I notice I allow myself
To let the thinking process slide by
Without recording the words on paper.
That’s okay.
I’ve been living a life
That doesn’t need to be on paper.
I live the eternal dance of BORNMARRYDIE,
which is a short version of
The ultimate dance of life.
Some people have argued recently
That MARRY should be replaced with MATE.
I respond to those
That in my world
MARRY is the word for MATE.
- 6 July 1993
= == === ==== === == =
No One To Thank But Yourself
Two news items worth archiving/bookmarking:
Hold your chins up because you never know which one is your good luck charm.
- Take control of your frugality
- You can thank other people, too ==> Julia's recent email
Thankful Newsletter for January 2011
Welcome to The 'Thank You' Project's newsletter! Some of you asked if there was a way to follow the thanks via email, and now there is. Thankful Newsletter will be featuring a summary of the most appreciated content from the The 'Thank You' Project's blog and Facebook page, bringing it to you once or twice a month (which will mostly depend on your feedback, so do let me know how often you want it!) Of course, you can unsubscribe and subscribe back at any time.
January has been a fantastic month for TTYP: among other things, it marked The 'Thank You' Project's first ever mention on the radio and my first ever radio interview! All thanks to Karen Rodrigues of North Shore's FM99.3 in Australia and her weekend show Breakfast In Bed!
January is also a month when we reflect back on the past year, so I cannot overlook the amazing opportunity I had to collaborate with the creators of HAPPY, a documentary about our most treasured emotion, on the upcoming thankful book. Sending massive thanks to the director Roko Belic and movie transcriber and publicist Derek Silvers! To find out what people from all over the world were most thankful for last year, we also took a look at the Gratitude Index 2010 - an update that was made possible with the amazing data collected and analyzed by and the thankful thoughts from these of you who took TTYP's Thankful Survey (it's still not late to submit your answers for future data analysis), so THANK YOU!
Stay tuned for more thankful news and updates in 2011!
Thankfully yours,
Julia (a.k.a. The Thanksgiving Girl)
Copyright © 2011 The 'Thank You' Project, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you have expressed an interest in The 'Thank You' Project or in reaching out to its author via the aforementioned blog. Thank you!
Our mailing address is:
The 'Thank You' ProjectMoscowMoscow, Moskva 109369
Hold your chins up because you never know which one is your good luck charm.
Vignette a la mode: Conversation Out Of Time
I ponder, Israelis wonder if Iran is stirring up revolution, and Iranians worry it is the Israelis.
Opportunists circle and wait.
And so the cycle repeats itself.
Names like Davos and TED float on the air like stray drops of water in a cloudless sky.
I am a regular person in a normal global cultural setting where one group of states of energy assumes self-reflection means independence, denoting species as a label of separateness.
Western Civ is remembered more than taught as the leading mode of designed social structurisation.
The escape clause has escaped.
Six Sigma is news of the weird.
Do you mold your message to appeal to the well-defined edges of lockstepped subcultures?
I am the voice of anonymity, giving form to the random interactions of states of energy we call life.
If "I" do not exist, do I belong here?
All the days and memories of my life are one: me at this moment.
Can I wait for 14,341 days more to have my moment as a momentary telegraph operator relaying a brief message, knowing everything else is 100,000 years of silence until the next messenger acts?
Foolish feuilles.
Sitting and waiting, waiting and sitting, holding malaise at bay.
Needing an agent to maintain the imaginary divide between public and private personas/personae.
Caught in the fiction of life which I have no interest in interrupting, all of us parts of the message we cannot see or talk about.
I say I am invisible but the Committee says I am not - motives, votives and motivations at odds with each other.
Some days, being a grain of sand in the desert is sufficient - let the wind and earthquakes toss me where they may - I always seem to end up back in this spot.
Fate? Destiny? Invisible Hands at work? Self-delusional self-actualisation? All the same or hardly not the same at all?
The Philosophy of Humour, a growing branch of the Tree of Academic Hair-Splitting. Either that, or the symptoms of the disease of Information Overlording.
Time to contemplate an Indian River Navel Orange, better known as eating lunch.
Opportunists circle and wait.
And so the cycle repeats itself.
Names like Davos and TED float on the air like stray drops of water in a cloudless sky.
I am a regular person in a normal global cultural setting where one group of states of energy assumes self-reflection means independence, denoting species as a label of separateness.
Western Civ is remembered more than taught as the leading mode of designed social structurisation.
The escape clause has escaped.
Six Sigma is news of the weird.
Do you mold your message to appeal to the well-defined edges of lockstepped subcultures?
I am the voice of anonymity, giving form to the random interactions of states of energy we call life.
If "I" do not exist, do I belong here?
All the days and memories of my life are one: me at this moment.
Can I wait for 14,341 days more to have my moment as a momentary telegraph operator relaying a brief message, knowing everything else is 100,000 years of silence until the next messenger acts?
Foolish feuilles.
Sitting and waiting, waiting and sitting, holding malaise at bay.
Needing an agent to maintain the imaginary divide between public and private personas/personae.
Caught in the fiction of life which I have no interest in interrupting, all of us parts of the message we cannot see or talk about.
I say I am invisible but the Committee says I am not - motives, votives and motivations at odds with each other.
Some days, being a grain of sand in the desert is sufficient - let the wind and earthquakes toss me where they may - I always seem to end up back in this spot.
Fate? Destiny? Invisible Hands at work? Self-delusional self-actualisation? All the same or hardly not the same at all?
The Philosophy of Humour, a growing branch of the Tree of Academic Hair-Splitting. Either that, or the symptoms of the disease of Information Overlording.
Time to contemplate an Indian River Navel Orange, better known as eating lunch.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
In political, news:
Mitt Romney transferred funds out of an anonymous PAC account to Tracy Morgan as a thank-you payment for his assistance in kicking off the Romney-Palin 2012 U.S. executive leadership campaign this week. Lorne Michaels denied involvement in the viral effort or any connection with Rand Paul, period.
The citizens of the United States of Arabia (USA) declared their independence and announced their first official act, annexing Iran and freeing Iranians from years of so-called religious political leadership. True Islamic followers rejoiced, agreeing that a theocracy is inconsistent with the idea of the purity of the divine.
Hindus have not joined forces with Wiccans to demand political redistricting to ensure better representation in U.S. Congress. India denies any involvement in secretly supporting the so-called Mothers Aghast, Against Monotheism (MA'AM).
Libyans have given Qaddafi two days to decide to defect after he was ousted upon formation of the new USA.
Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Pakistan renounced their independence and joined the new USA, resulting in a 99.9% drop in terrorist bombing because the people have only themselves to blame for their problems now.
Chechens, responsible for 0.01% of terrorist bombings, are said to be holding high-level meetings with the Arabian nation to determine if their longstanding dispute with the Russian Federation should be settled by aligning with the Arabian democracy, which still keeps them separate from Russia but no longer engaged in a holy war.
China reiterated the fact that Tibet is a province of free people but not free to join the new USA.
Washington, Vermont and Texas have opened diplomatic offices in the largest cities of the new USA, taking one step closer to declaring their own independent nations where freedom and democracy still mean something. All three states stressed the fact that Biden is not eligible to run for dictator of their governments, but he is free to join Mubarek and Qaddafi in seeking a country that will recognise such - Chavez said neither Venezuela nor Cuba are options for the countryless men.
The citizens of the United States of Arabia (USA) declared their independence and announced their first official act, annexing Iran and freeing Iranians from years of so-called religious political leadership. True Islamic followers rejoiced, agreeing that a theocracy is inconsistent with the idea of the purity of the divine.
Hindus have not joined forces with Wiccans to demand political redistricting to ensure better representation in U.S. Congress. India denies any involvement in secretly supporting the so-called Mothers Aghast, Against Monotheism (MA'AM).
Libyans have given Qaddafi two days to decide to defect after he was ousted upon formation of the new USA.
Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and Pakistan renounced their independence and joined the new USA, resulting in a 99.9% drop in terrorist bombing because the people have only themselves to blame for their problems now.
Chechens, responsible for 0.01% of terrorist bombings, are said to be holding high-level meetings with the Arabian nation to determine if their longstanding dispute with the Russian Federation should be settled by aligning with the Arabian democracy, which still keeps them separate from Russia but no longer engaged in a holy war.
China reiterated the fact that Tibet is a province of free people but not free to join the new USA.
Washington, Vermont and Texas have opened diplomatic offices in the largest cities of the new USA, taking one step closer to declaring their own independent nations where freedom and democracy still mean something. All three states stressed the fact that Biden is not eligible to run for dictator of their governments, but he is free to join Mubarek and Qaddafi in seeking a country that will recognise such - Chavez said neither Venezuela nor Cuba are options for the countryless men.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Our Guests Just Jest in Gest, Get Best Guess
Do you dream of getting away from the mundane?
Do you travel in a national tour of a fairy tale turned into a movie turned into a musical?
Was that your nonmundane dream?
Is that what you dream for your children, even if you/they can't sing?
And if they can sing, does it matter if they sing in the shower, sing in local community events or sing/act for a living?
If the audience (the singers themselves or others) is entertained, is that enough?
Questions some answer and some question.
Thanks to Papou's Greek restaurant for dinner tonight and Jessica at Carson's last night.
Do you travel in a national tour of a fairy tale turned into a movie turned into a musical?
Was that your nonmundane dream?
Is that what you dream for your children, even if you/they can't sing?
And if they can sing, does it matter if they sing in the shower, sing in local community events or sing/act for a living?
If the audience (the singers themselves or others) is entertained, is that enough?
Questions some answer and some question.
Thanks to Papou's Greek restaurant for dinner tonight and Jessica at Carson's last night.
Whose Kool-Aid Am I Drinking?
The benefits of deforestation.
All in an economy's rapid fall/rise.
There's a riddle there, if you know what not to look for/at.
When there's no Internet, there's always citizen band (CB) / amateur radio, personal satellites and drone networks no one can see you're flying over their state of deNile.
All in an economy's rapid fall/rise.
There's a riddle there, if you know what not to look for/at.
When there's no Internet, there's always citizen band (CB) / amateur radio, personal satellites and drone networks no one can see you're flying over their state of deNile.
Exercise and Eat Right, Or Not, Because You're Going To Die Either Way
Another explanation for why expensive urine is a stockholder's hedged bet.
But can it predict the perfect slice of pie?
The makers of "Pi" claim they thought of this first. The fashion industry says it'll make everyone look skinnier.
Does it prove China's economy is resting on top of a house of cards, though?
Back to my research and creating more fake academics with credentials full of cited publications about Antarctic arcade game arcana stored in Texarkana canons.
Does it prove China's economy is resting on top of a house of cards, though?
Back to my research and creating more fake academics with credentials full of cited publications about Antarctic arcade game arcana stored in Texarkana canons.
Take Time To Show, Who Cares?
[Some days I'd trade my dry writ for the perfect use of a comma]
The Russian government today filed a lawsuit in the World Court, claiming that the American Tourister luggage company has direct responsibility for the recent airport attack because their gorilla adverts clearly were intended to provoke terrorist attacks on the sovereign soil of Mother Russia.
Also, the auto industry refuses to make a comment about the report released earlier this morning, sponsored by the gun industry, that shows more murders and murder-suicides are caused by people in cars than by people discharging firearms or pistol-whipping victims.
The national legislature has already opened a subcommittee hearing exploring the line of thought that distracted drivers - no matter whether they're distracted by personal electronic gizmos, the beeps and whistles of their motor vehicles, the beeps, whistles or sign language of other drivers, and/or drugs/alcohol in the bloodstream - will automatically be served with an arrest warrant for murder in the first degree for causing any personal or property damage.
Parent associations have already begun picketing the hearing, claiming that the government must provide mandatory standardised training for all children about the dangers of distracted driving before the parents' children can be accused of murder.
The police benevolence society mounted a counterprotest, tired of dealing with whimpering teenagers who cry, "I know I killed the other driver, but my lover just broke up with me using a text, because he saw that advert for unlimited text plans! My life is ruined!," and miss the irony in their confessionary statements.
Religious groups have called for tolerance, saying that the afterlife and karma will take care of those who commit murder, suicide or murder-suicide, and we should forgive them here in this life so that hatred does not feed a cycle of creating more distracted criminals.
Film school students are testing a storyboard idea to turn today's news into a cult flick.
The World Trade Organisation issued an advisory about the clandestine use of black pepper as legal tender, warning governments to test the pepper before accepting it as payment for back taxes by bankrupt politicians kicked out of office for their participation in the banking crisis. One fast-food company executive has already been caught trying to pass off sawdust and other fillers as black pepper.
Universe Cup officials posted a preliminary set of rule changes for next year's playoffs, which will finally settle the matter of whether combining World Cup futbol and American/Canadian/Australian rules football into one super league was a good idea. Field hockey and jai alai leagues have once again refused to merge into the Universe Cup, leaving fans with the main question unanswered - "Who is the best athlete in the world?"
That's all the news.
Now, back to the 30-minute informercial that you think is a sitcom tailored to your lifestyle.
The Russian government today filed a lawsuit in the World Court, claiming that the American Tourister luggage company has direct responsibility for the recent airport attack because their gorilla adverts clearly were intended to provoke terrorist attacks on the sovereign soil of Mother Russia.
Also, the auto industry refuses to make a comment about the report released earlier this morning, sponsored by the gun industry, that shows more murders and murder-suicides are caused by people in cars than by people discharging firearms or pistol-whipping victims.
The national legislature has already opened a subcommittee hearing exploring the line of thought that distracted drivers - no matter whether they're distracted by personal electronic gizmos, the beeps and whistles of their motor vehicles, the beeps, whistles or sign language of other drivers, and/or drugs/alcohol in the bloodstream - will automatically be served with an arrest warrant for murder in the first degree for causing any personal or property damage.
Parent associations have already begun picketing the hearing, claiming that the government must provide mandatory standardised training for all children about the dangers of distracted driving before the parents' children can be accused of murder.
The police benevolence society mounted a counterprotest, tired of dealing with whimpering teenagers who cry, "I know I killed the other driver, but my lover just broke up with me using a text, because he saw that advert for unlimited text plans! My life is ruined!," and miss the irony in their confessionary statements.
Religious groups have called for tolerance, saying that the afterlife and karma will take care of those who commit murder, suicide or murder-suicide, and we should forgive them here in this life so that hatred does not feed a cycle of creating more distracted criminals.
Film school students are testing a storyboard idea to turn today's news into a cult flick.
The World Trade Organisation issued an advisory about the clandestine use of black pepper as legal tender, warning governments to test the pepper before accepting it as payment for back taxes by bankrupt politicians kicked out of office for their participation in the banking crisis. One fast-food company executive has already been caught trying to pass off sawdust and other fillers as black pepper.
Universe Cup officials posted a preliminary set of rule changes for next year's playoffs, which will finally settle the matter of whether combining World Cup futbol and American/Canadian/Australian rules football into one super league was a good idea. Field hockey and jai alai leagues have once again refused to merge into the Universe Cup, leaving fans with the main question unanswered - "Who is the best athlete in the world?"
That's all the news.
Now, back to the 30-minute informercial that you think is a sitcom tailored to your lifestyle.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Astronauts Remembered
Many have died to make this world better, included those headed to/from space and those we know as ashes only.
Who owns America?
Let's see...they take money from the U.S. Treasury and then they won't let Americans have their portion of facebook? Hmm...
Makes me wonder what I'm going to do next with my network of associates and colleagues to implement some international corrective action of our own.
Patience, Rick, patience, I try to tell myself, this will work out to our favour in the long run!
Makes me wonder what I'm going to do next with my network of associates and colleagues to implement some international corrective action of our own.
Patience, Rick, patience, I try to tell myself, this will work out to our favour in the long run!
The Drive-by War Hackers
Old but not forgotten.
Where ethics and morals meet media in the median.
Is there such a thing as an independent in politics these days?
What are they shipping through Trinidad - do gun-toting liberals exist? Aha , I found them!
And if you believe what you read, can you read faces, too?
Where ethics and morals meet media in the median.
Is there such a thing as an independent in politics these days?
What are they shipping through Trinidad - do gun-toting liberals exist? Aha , I found them!
And if you believe what you read, can you read faces, too?
Neighbours who keep their outdoor lights on all night
Stirred in with the normal is a bit of nurturing the absurd.
Flickers of unexplained dots of light in one's eyes in the dark is a sign of beings wanting to communicate with you from another universe.
Who or what group is fomenting revolution in the Mediterranean and African nations? Or would you say it's our species waking up to what's been going on a long time? Can you guess who's going to be next to be called upon to account for selfishness? It could be you, or me.
Here at OFU (Our Futurists' University), we pride ourselves on not taking ourselves seriously, unlike our competitors who think there's a real discipline to be taught to and make money off of your hard-working backs.
We believe in true freedom of information for the starving masses.
Saw clouds of gnats (in their mating dance) while I walked through the woods wearing shorts and a short-sleeved shirt in warm winter weather today. The leafcup has sprouted and lichen enjoy the recent wet weather. Birds chatted and clouds said helloooooo. Deer and raccoon tracks dotted the mud puddles.
Flickers of unexplained dots of light in one's eyes in the dark is a sign of beings wanting to communicate with you from another universe.
Who or what group is fomenting revolution in the Mediterranean and African nations? Or would you say it's our species waking up to what's been going on a long time? Can you guess who's going to be next to be called upon to account for selfishness? It could be you, or me.
Here at OFU (Our Futurists' University), we pride ourselves on not taking ourselves seriously, unlike our competitors who think there's a real discipline to be taught to and make money off of your hard-working backs.
We believe in true freedom of information for the starving masses.
Saw clouds of gnats (in their mating dance) while I walked through the woods wearing shorts and a short-sleeved shirt in warm winter weather today. The leafcup has sprouted and lichen enjoy the recent wet weather. Birds chatted and clouds said helloooooo. Deer and raccoon tracks dotted the mud puddles.
Another sign the real world is not ending tomorrow...
The marsh marigolds are leafing out here in the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 7a that is slowly turning into a 7b (and eventually an 8, based on current trends).
Are mosquito population outbreaks not far behind?
And ticks, where would I be without your accompaniment on long hikes?
Are mosquito population outbreaks not far behind?
And ticks, where would I be without your accompaniment on long hikes?
Guns don't kill people, murderers kill people, some using guns
I'm wandering into enemy territory here, or rather, the DMZ of gun control.
On one side, the pacifists who think the world of people should be peaceful and free of weaponry.
On the other side, the trigger-happy shootists who'll fire a weapon at a bush shaking in the wind in case it's a world-class boar charging through the woods.
My list of friends, colleagues and associates includes just about the whole range of gun owning/control beliefs.
Some in my family have a large collection of weapons. Some have none, or nothing more than a rubber band pistol and a BB gun.
The debate of who should own a gun parallels the debate of who should drive an automobile, in my opinion - you don't get to operate either without proper training and, if you're going to use it in public, an operator's licence.
I've worked with guys who've sworn a deep-seated hatred of the government, carry weapons at all times, and claim to have survival gear stocked up at home. And I expect them least of all to shoot someone randomly - they're expressing their protective/nesting family behaviour in one style that's normal for their subculture/community.
On the other hand, I've worked with guys who think only nuts own guns. Their behaviour, too, is normal for their everyday circumstances.
My mother, father and sister are all sharpshooters and I've won my share of frozen birds at turkey shoots.
Sometimes I feel like this is an annual event - a random shooting takes place in the comforts of U.S. society and everyone's feathers get ruffled, bringing me here to this repetitious blog entry about making sure the debate about gun control is sane and logical and doesn't degrade into emotional nonsense shouted from all sides.
Basically, a person who is unable to complete training on the use of a dangerous weapon (and note, I'm talking about motor vehicles here, not guns) should not be allowed to own or operate one.
Safety is the defining issue for the proper use of guns and cars.
If you're stupid enough to shoot yourself in the foot, you're too stupid to drive your 4x4 on public highways.
However, politicians are still allowed to stick their feet in their mouth in public - we can't legislate the poor taste and faux pas that substitutes for civility in publicly-elected officials.
Which reminds me, should rabbits be allowed to make fun of public officials who don't have a sense of humour, thinking they're sitting on a powder keg of a restive population that could go off on the advice of a wascally wabbit?
On one side, the pacifists who think the world of people should be peaceful and free of weaponry.
On the other side, the trigger-happy shootists who'll fire a weapon at a bush shaking in the wind in case it's a world-class boar charging through the woods.
My list of friends, colleagues and associates includes just about the whole range of gun owning/control beliefs.
Some in my family have a large collection of weapons. Some have none, or nothing more than a rubber band pistol and a BB gun.
The debate of who should own a gun parallels the debate of who should drive an automobile, in my opinion - you don't get to operate either without proper training and, if you're going to use it in public, an operator's licence.
I've worked with guys who've sworn a deep-seated hatred of the government, carry weapons at all times, and claim to have survival gear stocked up at home. And I expect them least of all to shoot someone randomly - they're expressing their protective/nesting family behaviour in one style that's normal for their subculture/community.
On the other hand, I've worked with guys who think only nuts own guns. Their behaviour, too, is normal for their everyday circumstances.
My mother, father and sister are all sharpshooters and I've won my share of frozen birds at turkey shoots.
Sometimes I feel like this is an annual event - a random shooting takes place in the comforts of U.S. society and everyone's feathers get ruffled, bringing me here to this repetitious blog entry about making sure the debate about gun control is sane and logical and doesn't degrade into emotional nonsense shouted from all sides.
Basically, a person who is unable to complete training on the use of a dangerous weapon (and note, I'm talking about motor vehicles here, not guns) should not be allowed to own or operate one.
Safety is the defining issue for the proper use of guns and cars.
If you're stupid enough to shoot yourself in the foot, you're too stupid to drive your 4x4 on public highways.
However, politicians are still allowed to stick their feet in their mouth in public - we can't legislate the poor taste and faux pas that substitutes for civility in publicly-elected officials.
Which reminds me, should rabbits be allowed to make fun of public officials who don't have a sense of humour, thinking they're sitting on a powder keg of a restive population that could go off on the advice of a wascally wabbit?
If this is NAFTA, I don't want to see what happens afta!
Ever wonder if all these killings are sponsored by Hollywood to promote an upcoming animated flick starring the kid from 21 Jump Street?
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
The Calendar, She Never Stops Mystifying Me With Her Numerical Magic...
Is that a perpetual calendar in your pocket or are you just happy to guess what day it is through osmosis?
Where will your works of art end up?
What's a little beheading among friends?
Ah, Caesar, we seized his image on canvas before the siege!
Ah, Caesar, we seized his image on canvas before the siege!
Reproduction of an Original Watercolour
During the Committee's decennial viewing of "Citizen Kane," one member asked for my opinion about the following.
A stash of documents thought to have been destroyed long ago was found buried in the courthouse garden of a caretaker's cottage on an abandoned estate that is said to have belonged to a long line of English knights.
The documents shed light on daily life of a feudal society during the Dark Ages.
The Committee member wanted to know if we should release all the documents for public dissemination without adding waves of prereleases which include expert opinion about chivalry, gallantry and the sense of fair play that, we find quaint today, was established during the reign of sympathetic feudal lords and knights in the British Isles. Polls and TV documentaries would give the people a sense of ownership of that time period.
Does it make sense? It seemed so to me.
The Committee member then showed me one sheaf that was bothering him.
The text, barely legible and in a mix of Latin, Greek and what I assume was the English of the day, described the first meetings between a group of lords and an unidentified group that was fixated on sending men and weapons to save Jerusalem from captivity.
The scribe noted the lords' lucrative business relationships with Spanish traders who were of pagan, Christian and Mohammedan religions, describing the traders as equals to the lords, and hinted that the lords would consult with the traders before taking action.
The Committee member worried that the information presented an ambiguous start to a seemingly well-documented history of contact between Europeans and those along the Mediterranean.
I promised the Committee member I'd think about the issue for a few days before making my ruling.
If the Crusades were merely a matter of business, what does that tell us today about the groups who want to claim there's a secret religious war that's been raging for centuries?
What if we could prove to you that most of what you think is religious - the way you dress, speak or interact with others - was a commercial or economic decision made so long ago we've forgotten why we made that decision in the first place?
Does it matter in respect to your belief that the gods, God or Allah influenced that decision?
It should.
Your Deity or deities know(s) that environmental and social conditions change, meaning that what was sacrosanct ten generations ago is not necessarily sacrosanct in the same way today.
I'll report back to the Committee next week, so consider this blog entry a placeholder for a more important, detailed one later on because I'm too busy right now.
I've got some research to perform and press releases to generate in the form of fake book reviews written by a menagerie of virtual friends hidden in plain view on social networks (so many layers of experts referencing experts you won't know which so-called reclusive ones aren't real and took over for real ones no one knew had died) and industry-sponsored scientific reports for which I'll buy off my cadre of professionals with questionable credentials and/or immoral habits (heavy debt is immoral, don't you know?) to swallow their pride and write for me once more.
Phew! I'm breathless. Talk to you later.
A stash of documents thought to have been destroyed long ago was found buried in the courthouse garden of a caretaker's cottage on an abandoned estate that is said to have belonged to a long line of English knights.
The documents shed light on daily life of a feudal society during the Dark Ages.
The Committee member wanted to know if we should release all the documents for public dissemination without adding waves of prereleases which include expert opinion about chivalry, gallantry and the sense of fair play that, we find quaint today, was established during the reign of sympathetic feudal lords and knights in the British Isles. Polls and TV documentaries would give the people a sense of ownership of that time period.
Does it make sense? It seemed so to me.
The Committee member then showed me one sheaf that was bothering him.
The text, barely legible and in a mix of Latin, Greek and what I assume was the English of the day, described the first meetings between a group of lords and an unidentified group that was fixated on sending men and weapons to save Jerusalem from captivity.
The scribe noted the lords' lucrative business relationships with Spanish traders who were of pagan, Christian and Mohammedan religions, describing the traders as equals to the lords, and hinted that the lords would consult with the traders before taking action.
The Committee member worried that the information presented an ambiguous start to a seemingly well-documented history of contact between Europeans and those along the Mediterranean.
I promised the Committee member I'd think about the issue for a few days before making my ruling.
If the Crusades were merely a matter of business, what does that tell us today about the groups who want to claim there's a secret religious war that's been raging for centuries?
What if we could prove to you that most of what you think is religious - the way you dress, speak or interact with others - was a commercial or economic decision made so long ago we've forgotten why we made that decision in the first place?
Does it matter in respect to your belief that the gods, God or Allah influenced that decision?
It should.
Your Deity or deities know(s) that environmental and social conditions change, meaning that what was sacrosanct ten generations ago is not necessarily sacrosanct in the same way today.
I'll report back to the Committee next week, so consider this blog entry a placeholder for a more important, detailed one later on because I'm too busy right now.
I've got some research to perform and press releases to generate in the form of fake book reviews written by a menagerie of virtual friends hidden in plain view on social networks (so many layers of experts referencing experts you won't know which so-called reclusive ones aren't real and took over for real ones no one knew had died) and industry-sponsored scientific reports for which I'll buy off my cadre of professionals with questionable credentials and/or immoral habits (heavy debt is immoral, don't you know?) to swallow their pride and write for me once more.
Phew! I'm breathless. Talk to you later.
Rating the wellness of the species
In our annual review of the appearance and disappearance of subcultures, we assess the "health" of them in relation to their effect on the general culture at local/village, city, state, national and international levels.
We take into account the scientific definition of an individual's health, which is in flux at this time.
We also consider recent releases of studies about the life of a person and how youthful attitude leads to habits in adulthood.
Subcultures are groups of people, after all.
Meanwhile, a secret group of farmers is preparing to load front end loaders and other equipment into semi-tractor trailer rigs to block off the entrances to Manhattan island to protest the lack of access to loans they blame on the banking/financing industry that Wall Street represents. Bridges, tunnels, subway/tube entrances, heliports and river traffic access will be cut off for as many number of days as the farmers feel will give Manhattans the same sense of pain that the average farmer has long suffered at the hands of predatory financiers.
Back in the lab, we have successfully demonstrated a large-scale accelerated light beam projector that will need to be reproduced in sufficient quantities to turn Earth into a giant disco ball by the early part of 2050. That way, we can join the supercivilisation that communicates across universes in light relay races in this part of the universe and in other universes by who can spread one's entity the farthest apart and still be recognised.
You see the similarity, of course.
Some people tell me it's time to clean up our act, that the melding of government and business is not the same as corruption in the act of one's public duties. If so, then who's in charge of ensuring transparency and neutrally measuring due diligence? Is having, because of job title, a special place to park one's vehicle or diplomatic immunity a sign of corruption or corruptible activities elsewhere in life?
If I stop listening to people teaching how us to write/narrate well, will my writing/storytelling skills decline?
Thanks to the folks at Wild Birds Unlimited, Chocolate Crocodile, Katherine at P.F. Chang's, Fuel City, Target, and the Apple store.
Say what you will about the wonders of technology (spellchecker is my friend), but I still like holding a large hardback dictionary and flipping pages to random entries.
Just like it doesn't bother me to subsidise AOL with my pittance of a monthly subscription of $11.99 - it's a way of being in charge of personally redistributing my wealth that makes me feel happy.
We take into account the scientific definition of an individual's health, which is in flux at this time.
We also consider recent releases of studies about the life of a person and how youthful attitude leads to habits in adulthood.
Subcultures are groups of people, after all.
Meanwhile, a secret group of farmers is preparing to load front end loaders and other equipment into semi-tractor trailer rigs to block off the entrances to Manhattan island to protest the lack of access to loans they blame on the banking/financing industry that Wall Street represents. Bridges, tunnels, subway/tube entrances, heliports and river traffic access will be cut off for as many number of days as the farmers feel will give Manhattans the same sense of pain that the average farmer has long suffered at the hands of predatory financiers.
Back in the lab, we have successfully demonstrated a large-scale accelerated light beam projector that will need to be reproduced in sufficient quantities to turn Earth into a giant disco ball by the early part of 2050. That way, we can join the supercivilisation that communicates across universes in light relay races in this part of the universe and in other universes by who can spread one's entity the farthest apart and still be recognised.
You see the similarity, of course.
Some people tell me it's time to clean up our act, that the melding of government and business is not the same as corruption in the act of one's public duties. If so, then who's in charge of ensuring transparency and neutrally measuring due diligence? Is having, because of job title, a special place to park one's vehicle or diplomatic immunity a sign of corruption or corruptible activities elsewhere in life?
If I stop listening to people teaching how us to write/narrate well, will my writing/storytelling skills decline?
Thanks to the folks at Wild Birds Unlimited, Chocolate Crocodile, Katherine at P.F. Chang's, Fuel City, Target, and the Apple store.
Say what you will about the wonders of technology (spellchecker is my friend), but I still like holding a large hardback dictionary and flipping pages to random entries.
Just like it doesn't bother me to subsidise AOL with my pittance of a monthly subscription of $11.99 - it's a way of being in charge of personally redistributing my wealth that makes me feel happy.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Does Yesterday Exist
Are the shares of stock I own the same today as they were yesterday? After all, their prices have fluctuated and price is a significant component of a stock's descriptor set.
Do you know how to move the local/state/national/international conversation?
Do you know how to call on your armies of minions to write columns of nonsense that passes off as news which doesn't have to make sense except in the moment they were released?
Watching the predictions come true is not the same as watching my wishes come true.
As I've mentioned, my personal beliefs and desires do not align with what we're making our species do (remember, free will is the illusion we perpetuate to get your willing participation in the social experiment).
I am spending too much time in 2011 inserting my personality into the story of our lives together as told in this virtual parallel universe.
Through analysis of self, I have determined this narcissistic tendency reflects my lack of getting what I want.
As the leader of the executive staff of the large political entity which has a great influence on the world in which our species mainly resides prepares to speak about what he is doing to fulfill the wishes of the nation but not necessarily his own, I ask myself what is it that I want for myself.
It is an issue that doesn't seem to go away.
The difference between the public and private persona changes with time and social desire/worries of the day.
What parts of the real me do I reveal in this space where the public me speaks openly?
There are no mind readers, only well-trained, highly-intuitive behaviourists.
Thus, my thought set is my own, however much an external analysis of what I discuss or don't discuss here says about who I am.
My paper journals paint a picture similar to the one here.
My conversations in the moment reflect my support of those around me.
These are thoughts I have repeated many times to myself.
They are thoughts that don't seem to go away.
Shall I dig a little deeper?
What if I told myself that my support of those around me is unnecessary and if I changed the direction of where I am heading, they would adjust accordingly (or not - it wouldn't matter)?
I knew this would be a difficult year for me and the ripple effect of my comments, beliefs, emotions, etc., during this transition year will spread and effect/affect others.
The rate at which the world population grows wiser is increasing greatly, making the ability to prevent outbursts of chaotic, revolutionary movement more difficult, because people still live as people on a 24-hour sleep/wake cycle, while the effective changes that we want to push out to the people need to occur more rapidly.
How, then, do we "upgrade" people on a massive scale quickly?
Technological advances in the form of external devices - computers, smartphones, etc. - do not change the body's need to process mental changes in one's sleep.
In some ways, the beast is loose and so, too, the best is loose in the form of grassroots electronic social media.
Mass media belongs to the masses.
The horse is out of the barn.
Change agents are important in speeding up change, and we should be acutely aware of their presence, but even they have to deal with the circadian cycle.
Robo-agents are no better.
We are not robots who can be rebooted easily, despite science fiction suppositional tracts touting such.
After Egyptian protests, where is the next uprising going to occur that will result in permanent change on a national scale?
Who is the next Lech Walesa? And if such is not possible anymore, "who" is the next set of social media influences that behaves as if it's one person?
The same for the geniuses. How is social media creating groups of people who act as one person, developing genius-level ideas together at once?
The positive side of groupthink.
And can we accelerate these activities without overcoming the circadian cycle?
If not, that's okay.
We still have personal wants and needs that don't jive with the group.
Hold the course steady, helmsman. Full speed ahead! My stock prices are about to blow this ship out of the water.
Do you know how to move the local/state/national/international conversation?
Do you know how to call on your armies of minions to write columns of nonsense that passes off as news which doesn't have to make sense except in the moment they were released?
Watching the predictions come true is not the same as watching my wishes come true.
As I've mentioned, my personal beliefs and desires do not align with what we're making our species do (remember, free will is the illusion we perpetuate to get your willing participation in the social experiment).
I am spending too much time in 2011 inserting my personality into the story of our lives together as told in this virtual parallel universe.
Through analysis of self, I have determined this narcissistic tendency reflects my lack of getting what I want.
As the leader of the executive staff of the large political entity which has a great influence on the world in which our species mainly resides prepares to speak about what he is doing to fulfill the wishes of the nation but not necessarily his own, I ask myself what is it that I want for myself.
It is an issue that doesn't seem to go away.
The difference between the public and private persona changes with time and social desire/worries of the day.
What parts of the real me do I reveal in this space where the public me speaks openly?
There are no mind readers, only well-trained, highly-intuitive behaviourists.
Thus, my thought set is my own, however much an external analysis of what I discuss or don't discuss here says about who I am.
My paper journals paint a picture similar to the one here.
My conversations in the moment reflect my support of those around me.
These are thoughts I have repeated many times to myself.
They are thoughts that don't seem to go away.
Shall I dig a little deeper?
What if I told myself that my support of those around me is unnecessary and if I changed the direction of where I am heading, they would adjust accordingly (or not - it wouldn't matter)?
I knew this would be a difficult year for me and the ripple effect of my comments, beliefs, emotions, etc., during this transition year will spread and effect/affect others.
The rate at which the world population grows wiser is increasing greatly, making the ability to prevent outbursts of chaotic, revolutionary movement more difficult, because people still live as people on a 24-hour sleep/wake cycle, while the effective changes that we want to push out to the people need to occur more rapidly.
How, then, do we "upgrade" people on a massive scale quickly?
Technological advances in the form of external devices - computers, smartphones, etc. - do not change the body's need to process mental changes in one's sleep.
In some ways, the beast is loose and so, too, the best is loose in the form of grassroots electronic social media.
Mass media belongs to the masses.
The horse is out of the barn.
Change agents are important in speeding up change, and we should be acutely aware of their presence, but even they have to deal with the circadian cycle.
Robo-agents are no better.
We are not robots who can be rebooted easily, despite science fiction suppositional tracts touting such.
After Egyptian protests, where is the next uprising going to occur that will result in permanent change on a national scale?
Who is the next Lech Walesa? And if such is not possible anymore, "who" is the next set of social media influences that behaves as if it's one person?
The same for the geniuses. How is social media creating groups of people who act as one person, developing genius-level ideas together at once?
The positive side of groupthink.
And can we accelerate these activities without overcoming the circadian cycle?
If not, that's okay.
We still have personal wants and needs that don't jive with the group.
Hold the course steady, helmsman. Full speed ahead! My stock prices are about to blow this ship out of the water.
I ask myself if the future plots are doing any good.
For instance, which group made the decision to choose the person who will sing the U.S. National Anthem and stands as the image of America that we'll broadcast to the rest of the world at the beginning of the 2011 Super Bowl?
Did that group consider the full ramifications of that decision?
Although we account for those decisions in our 1000-year predictions, how can we effect change that moves the whole species in another direction, while preserving free will within individuals?
The species is just one supercomputer among many.
I need faster substitute supercomputers to plot iterations instantaneously.
What if the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sang the U.S. National Anthem? Or the a capella group, Committed? What if the song was transposed for sitar or Irish bouzouki?
Time to run those scenarios through the supercomputer buried in the walls of my house and see what happens two years later.
I'll pass those results via the indecipherable method to colleagues who can recompute the deviations from the 10,000-year timeline to which we must adhere strictly and see if the possibility exists for one of those scenarios to occur.
How did my listening to Telemann's Oboe Concerto in e-minor, III-IV, affect my mood while writing this blog entry or SpaceX's chances for winning the ISS transport contract?
What did the movements of the swing dancers at Saturday night's Swing DJ contest do to the swing of stock prices on the Tokyo stock exchange this week?
Did the authenticity of a German pub atmosphere at Schnitzel Ranch change?
Is it time for a new brain implant?
How many law firms' efforts to sway public opinion in a positive direction for clients changed your opinions of self/society today?
For instance, which group made the decision to choose the person who will sing the U.S. National Anthem and stands as the image of America that we'll broadcast to the rest of the world at the beginning of the 2011 Super Bowl?
Did that group consider the full ramifications of that decision?
Although we account for those decisions in our 1000-year predictions, how can we effect change that moves the whole species in another direction, while preserving free will within individuals?
The species is just one supercomputer among many.
I need faster substitute supercomputers to plot iterations instantaneously.
What if the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sang the U.S. National Anthem? Or the a capella group, Committed? What if the song was transposed for sitar or Irish bouzouki?
Time to run those scenarios through the supercomputer buried in the walls of my house and see what happens two years later.
I'll pass those results via the indecipherable method to colleagues who can recompute the deviations from the 10,000-year timeline to which we must adhere strictly and see if the possibility exists for one of those scenarios to occur.
How did my listening to Telemann's Oboe Concerto in e-minor, III-IV, affect my mood while writing this blog entry or SpaceX's chances for winning the ISS transport contract?
What did the movements of the swing dancers at Saturday night's Swing DJ contest do to the swing of stock prices on the Tokyo stock exchange this week?
Did the authenticity of a German pub atmosphere at Schnitzel Ranch change?
Is it time for a new brain implant?
How many law firms' efforts to sway public opinion in a positive direction for clients changed your opinions of self/society today?
Now we know what happened to the chihuahua...
If mares eat oats, can we claim meat is just a combo of overprocessed oat products and other fixings?
Is soy the "beef" of the vegetable world?
Is soy the "beef" of the vegetable world?
Monday, January 24, 2011
All Brain, No Mind
Don't mind if I do:
Think Different: How Perception Reveals Brain Differences
Is there a way to make every one of us our brothers'/sisters' keepers and prevent terrorism? Are thought police the next best thing to massive security checkpoints?Lost in the virtual maze
Newspaper Disses Hometown, Loses Adverts, Goes Out Of Business
Under oath, representatives of the computer programmers who generated the formula for determining the BCS championship participants admitted they use the same code and the algorithms that the Academy won't admit it uses to generate the list of Oscar winners.
The spokesperson for American Idol denied rumours that the Academy got its algorithms from the code that American Idol stole from the programmers working for Eurovision.
A spokesperson for Eurovision spoke off the record and told this reporter that their computer code was pulled out of a robospam generator script that one of the producer's teenage sons was caught trying to sell on the Eastern European black market to fund his habit of snorting crushed and powdered hairs of the rare Patagonian rhino horn blue bottle fly.
Which might explain why the BCS commissioner is often heard whistling, "Shoo, fly, don't bother me..."
More as it develops!
The spokesperson for American Idol denied rumours that the Academy got its algorithms from the code that American Idol stole from the programmers working for Eurovision.
A spokesperson for Eurovision spoke off the record and told this reporter that their computer code was pulled out of a robospam generator script that one of the producer's teenage sons was caught trying to sell on the Eastern European black market to fund his habit of snorting crushed and powdered hairs of the rare Patagonian rhino horn blue bottle fly.
Which might explain why the BCS commissioner is often heard whistling, "Shoo, fly, don't bother me..."
More as it develops!
Since the creation of the international youth movement
I am concerned.
14,347 days until the news is revealed and we don't have much time left in the schedule for slippage.
My budget is spread so thin you can't tell if anyone is getting paid, both a bonus and a worry.
One 1000-year projection shows that after business and government make their connections transparent and become a publicly-recognised entity, a counterrevolutionary movement will remove the natural resistance represented by the mainstream opposition that is always calling for a revolution.
The balance will shift and topple over.
As a result, people will move the weight of their emotional belief sets en masse toward a quasireligious leader who doesn't exist (i.e., a robotic being without full human privileges).
This projection assumes the wealthy/destitute gap continues to widen.
Another projection shows that an enlightnment of sorts spreads as more and more people are able to afford to integrate instant knowledge-integration modules into their central nervous systems, which raises the exponent of total social/tribal wisdom.
Both projections include shorterm periods of what we can call "dark days ahead."
Remember that life is a series of comparisons - am I hungrier now than I was a moment ago? am I in better or worse environmental conditions than a year ago?
Therefore, "dark days ahead" is a ratio comparing specific, local conditions for each and every one of us to previous days you/we have lived.
Simply a clear indication of the "golden years" syndrome, not a prediction of an apocalypse.
Everything tends to get more expensive and scarcity of resources naturally changes our preference for whatever the next popular "must have" consumables will be.
Our labels and symbology will reflect our ability to readily adapt or not.
It is in our reticence to change that my thought set is reflected in recent blog entries, magnifying combinations of conversations I have heard and/or participated in.
I am an optimist at heart but, as a humourist/satirist, I find it illustrating to stray from a dry, logical, theoretical, academic presentation of future predictions and throw in wry distortions of where we think we are going in what we say to each other.
My colleagues and associates pay me dearly for these observations, wisely applying resources to essential tasks that ensure the future we want is the future that pays off the best investments/bets.
For instance, after being warned that a group of mobsters was being pulled off duty, so to speak, my network moved in to keep those markets running optimally and prevent a vacuum from sucking in the wrong elements.
That way, we can have more resources at our disposal to prevent as many of the negative aspects of some of the future predictions as we can.
A "can do" spirit is the fundamental motivator behind virtually poking us with a stick to think outside the think outside the box for thinking's sake mentality that grips us and won't let us make progress.
This time period will pass. What will my generation have to say about its participation, when we held the reins?
Obama is just slightly older than me so he represents my generation's hold on the executive branch of the U.S. government that represents much in the image of this political entity to the rest of the world.
Thus, my expectations of him are exceedingly higher than any president before him and probably any president after. I also believe, even though I didn't vote for him, that if you don't support his efforts to improve the U.S. economy and its image, you don't support mine.
Use your imagination about where that'll get you.
Thanks to Melanie at Cafe Berlin, the folks at Gibson's BBQ, the students at Faith Presbyterian who made Valentine's Day cards for the homebound, Lisa's superb service at Cheddar's today and Donna at Hobby Lobby. A list of more thanks to appear in an upcoming blog.
14,347 days until the news is revealed and we don't have much time left in the schedule for slippage.
My budget is spread so thin you can't tell if anyone is getting paid, both a bonus and a worry.
One 1000-year projection shows that after business and government make their connections transparent and become a publicly-recognised entity, a counterrevolutionary movement will remove the natural resistance represented by the mainstream opposition that is always calling for a revolution.
The balance will shift and topple over.
As a result, people will move the weight of their emotional belief sets en masse toward a quasireligious leader who doesn't exist (i.e., a robotic being without full human privileges).
This projection assumes the wealthy/destitute gap continues to widen.
Another projection shows that an enlightnment of sorts spreads as more and more people are able to afford to integrate instant knowledge-integration modules into their central nervous systems, which raises the exponent of total social/tribal wisdom.
Both projections include shorterm periods of what we can call "dark days ahead."
Remember that life is a series of comparisons - am I hungrier now than I was a moment ago? am I in better or worse environmental conditions than a year ago?
Therefore, "dark days ahead" is a ratio comparing specific, local conditions for each and every one of us to previous days you/we have lived.
Simply a clear indication of the "golden years" syndrome, not a prediction of an apocalypse.
Everything tends to get more expensive and scarcity of resources naturally changes our preference for whatever the next popular "must have" consumables will be.
Our labels and symbology will reflect our ability to readily adapt or not.
It is in our reticence to change that my thought set is reflected in recent blog entries, magnifying combinations of conversations I have heard and/or participated in.
I am an optimist at heart but, as a humourist/satirist, I find it illustrating to stray from a dry, logical, theoretical, academic presentation of future predictions and throw in wry distortions of where we think we are going in what we say to each other.
My colleagues and associates pay me dearly for these observations, wisely applying resources to essential tasks that ensure the future we want is the future that pays off the best investments/bets.
For instance, after being warned that a group of mobsters was being pulled off duty, so to speak, my network moved in to keep those markets running optimally and prevent a vacuum from sucking in the wrong elements.
That way, we can have more resources at our disposal to prevent as many of the negative aspects of some of the future predictions as we can.
A "can do" spirit is the fundamental motivator behind virtually poking us with a stick to think outside the think outside the box for thinking's sake mentality that grips us and won't let us make progress.
This time period will pass. What will my generation have to say about its participation, when we held the reins?
Obama is just slightly older than me so he represents my generation's hold on the executive branch of the U.S. government that represents much in the image of this political entity to the rest of the world.
Thus, my expectations of him are exceedingly higher than any president before him and probably any president after. I also believe, even though I didn't vote for him, that if you don't support his efforts to improve the U.S. economy and its image, you don't support mine.
Use your imagination about where that'll get you.
Thanks to Melanie at Cafe Berlin, the folks at Gibson's BBQ, the students at Faith Presbyterian who made Valentine's Day cards for the homebound, Lisa's superb service at Cheddar's today and Donna at Hobby Lobby. A list of more thanks to appear in an upcoming blog.
To Open Envelope Tear Off This Stub
Members of the U.S. Congress showed a brave and unified front today when they told members of the press that MoUSC (pronounced 'mouse') would no longer take a salary, fringe benefits, retirement pays or industrial kickbacks through PACs.
They pledged they would earn money the old-fashioned way, through earning the trust of customers, one at a time.
During questioning the MoUSC would not affirm or deny their right to work as lobbyists or remain on retainer (or is that retain on remainder?) as honourary board members of prominent industries seeking favour with the U.S. government for lucrative contracts.
In other industry news, the country music conglomerate is reviewing its contracts with the Hollywood media moguls, concerned that mediocrity and bad movie plots are ruining the purity of C&W music.
Rap music moguls are also questioning the portrayal of their stars, many of them classically trained at prestigious schools like Julliard.
Carlos Slim has not weighed in on the subject of negative images associated with gangs of Mexico, leaving the general public questioning halleged involvement in illegal activities himself.
Bookies are divided over the point spread.
A secret physics society revealed that the knapsack problem is the solution to transforming humans into the nonwaveparticles needed to travel from one version to another of the intertwined universes. Communication to this universe is accomplished through nudging light waveparticles to an almost imperceptibly slightly higher speed spaced at what looks to us like millions of years apart.
Unfortunately, the physicists explained, time units, perceived by us as connected to solar cycles, lives, generations, and civilisations, are not megauniversally scaled the same (think metric vs. U.S./imperial units).
The timescale at which others communicate across universal barriers is why major messages take so long for us to communicate to each successive global civilisation.
However, our relatively short lives lead us to impatience which leads to war, overconsumption, famine and disease-spreading - we cannot easily conceive a message that takes 10,000 or 1,000,000 years to convey.
In farm news, it's time. You farmers know what that means.
They pledged they would earn money the old-fashioned way, through earning the trust of customers, one at a time.
During questioning the MoUSC would not affirm or deny their right to work as lobbyists or remain on retainer (or is that retain on remainder?) as honourary board members of prominent industries seeking favour with the U.S. government for lucrative contracts.
In other industry news, the country music conglomerate is reviewing its contracts with the Hollywood media moguls, concerned that mediocrity and bad movie plots are ruining the purity of C&W music.
Rap music moguls are also questioning the portrayal of their stars, many of them classically trained at prestigious schools like Julliard.
Carlos Slim has not weighed in on the subject of negative images associated with gangs of Mexico, leaving the general public questioning halleged involvement in illegal activities himself.
Bookies are divided over the point spread.
A secret physics society revealed that the knapsack problem is the solution to transforming humans into the nonwaveparticles needed to travel from one version to another of the intertwined universes. Communication to this universe is accomplished through nudging light waveparticles to an almost imperceptibly slightly higher speed spaced at what looks to us like millions of years apart.
Unfortunately, the physicists explained, time units, perceived by us as connected to solar cycles, lives, generations, and civilisations, are not megauniversally scaled the same (think metric vs. U.S./imperial units).
The timescale at which others communicate across universal barriers is why major messages take so long for us to communicate to each successive global civilisation.
However, our relatively short lives lead us to impatience which leads to war, overconsumption, famine and disease-spreading - we cannot easily conceive a message that takes 10,000 or 1,000,000 years to convey.
In farm news, it's time. You farmers know what that means.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Halftime Interview
What can I say about a playoff game that hasn't been said?
Da Bears.
How about my silence, instead?
Da Bears.
How about my silence, instead?
Does Chattanooga have the same school problems as Huntsville?
Why am I living in Rocket City when it's Chattanooga that has the high-speed Internet, VW plant, cool downtown and other amenities that the former cotton capital doesn't?
Time to shop for jobs near Rock City, considering the fact that the U.S. Congress is putting military budget cuts in the spotlight.
Time to shop for jobs near Rock City, considering the fact that the U.S. Congress is putting military budget cuts in the spotlight.
Valid on bus and streetcar lines
Another island, another spontaneous outburst of solidarity.
The two Irish governments proclaimed today to be President Robert Bentley Day, in honour of their decision to unite as one Christian nation where brothers and sisters in Christ can work and play together.
As President For Life, Dr. Bentley will preside over a democracy where abortions are banned, divorces are not allowed and child/spouse abusers will be flogged in the public square of their local townships and locked in stockades for all passersby to jeer.
Vegetable venders will be allowed to sell ten percent of their produce as waste, to be used as projectiles thrown at prisoners put on public daily display on a rotating basis. Those prisoners not on display in the public square will be seen working in roadside cleanup chain gangs.
Prisoners convicted of white collar crimes will be assigned one of the following duties: cleaning public toilets, working for the national diaper changing brigade, or psychobiological weapons testing.
The single government of Ireland officially operates under the guidance of the SSSF Party.
The SSSF Party declares solidarity with its nonChristian brothers and sisters fighting corruption in Tunisia and Algeria. The Party wishes an Irish blessing on the two Korean governments seeking resolution of the conflicts between their brothers and sisters, no matter what religion(s) they choose to worship the Almighty Creator.
Rumours are spreading that Israel and Palestine are considering forming a joint task force to develop a plan for peaceful negotiations for the opening of a civil conversation to politely detail the discussions that might lead to a possible reconciliation of a few thousands of years of misunderstanding an argument between a nomadic shepherd and a rug merchant over the value of a peace they established concerning the value of a piece of unfarmable/ungrazable land that they both agree was built by God/Allah and is for Allah's/God's use only; thus, they are temporary caretakers, neither can own the land outright and must share equally.
India and Pakistan are taking a wait-and-see approach to these acts of unselfish love for one another.
Meanwhile, "Baby" Papa Doc Duvalier says he always had his people's best interests in mind and that's why he seemed so cruel - he was just playing the part of a stern and assertive father of children who needed a lot of discipline to stay on the straight and narrow path to membership in the international brotherhood and sisterhood of mature nations - look what happened to them after he left - they need him now more than ever.
Amazonian Indian tribes are not fooled by any of these proclamations/acts. They remember the deforestation that round after round of collapsed civilisations told the tribes were for their best interests.
The U.S. government released a statement clarifying the intention of the Extended Family Act, which eliminated public and private pension plans and replaced them with a directive that encourages all extended family members to move in together under one roof to save overhead costs in order to allow the family members to live off a few salaries or the salary of the primary breadwinner. Tax incentives will take effect in 2040 that compensate the children who suffered under the early years of the EFA.
Producers of "The King's Speech" made their final payment to Ricky Gervais for his backhanded comedic adverts of the movie, disguised as insulting jokes he told at the Golden Globes. Celebrate subliminal subtlety!
The two Irish governments proclaimed today to be President Robert Bentley Day, in honour of their decision to unite as one Christian nation where brothers and sisters in Christ can work and play together.
As President For Life, Dr. Bentley will preside over a democracy where abortions are banned, divorces are not allowed and child/spouse abusers will be flogged in the public square of their local townships and locked in stockades for all passersby to jeer.
Vegetable venders will be allowed to sell ten percent of their produce as waste, to be used as projectiles thrown at prisoners put on public daily display on a rotating basis. Those prisoners not on display in the public square will be seen working in roadside cleanup chain gangs.
Prisoners convicted of white collar crimes will be assigned one of the following duties: cleaning public toilets, working for the national diaper changing brigade, or psychobiological weapons testing.
The single government of Ireland officially operates under the guidance of the SSSF Party.
The SSSF Party declares solidarity with its nonChristian brothers and sisters fighting corruption in Tunisia and Algeria. The Party wishes an Irish blessing on the two Korean governments seeking resolution of the conflicts between their brothers and sisters, no matter what religion(s) they choose to worship the Almighty Creator.
Rumours are spreading that Israel and Palestine are considering forming a joint task force to develop a plan for peaceful negotiations for the opening of a civil conversation to politely detail the discussions that might lead to a possible reconciliation of a few thousands of years of misunderstanding an argument between a nomadic shepherd and a rug merchant over the value of a peace they established concerning the value of a piece of unfarmable/ungrazable land that they both agree was built by God/Allah and is for Allah's/God's use only; thus, they are temporary caretakers, neither can own the land outright and must share equally.
India and Pakistan are taking a wait-and-see approach to these acts of unselfish love for one another.
Meanwhile, "Baby" Papa Doc Duvalier says he always had his people's best interests in mind and that's why he seemed so cruel - he was just playing the part of a stern and assertive father of children who needed a lot of discipline to stay on the straight and narrow path to membership in the international brotherhood and sisterhood of mature nations - look what happened to them after he left - they need him now more than ever.
Amazonian Indian tribes are not fooled by any of these proclamations/acts. They remember the deforestation that round after round of collapsed civilisations told the tribes were for their best interests.
The U.S. government released a statement clarifying the intention of the Extended Family Act, which eliminated public and private pension plans and replaced them with a directive that encourages all extended family members to move in together under one roof to save overhead costs in order to allow the family members to live off a few salaries or the salary of the primary breadwinner. Tax incentives will take effect in 2040 that compensate the children who suffered under the early years of the EFA.
Producers of "The King's Speech" made their final payment to Ricky Gervais for his backhanded comedic adverts of the movie, disguised as insulting jokes he told at the Golden Globes. Celebrate subliminal subtlety!
Blind Spot Monitoring
In a time where the post-recessional recovery, fiscally, physically and mentally, displays a series of forward-pushing and delayed wavelike effects, looking for patterns in the actions of families, including religious practices/beliefs/renewals and a sense of relief that the world is not ending, much is worth thinking about.
Unfortunately, I am too tired to comment on what my programmers have reported.
Time is on our side - that's enough for now.
More tomorrow.
Unfortunately, I am too tired to comment on what my programmers have reported.
Time is on our side - that's enough for now.
More tomorrow.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Consult an advisor if continuing study in the discipline
After much debate with eggheads floating in thinktanks, the president declared that she is running as the lead candidate for all parties in the next election.
The Ups, the Downs, the Lefts, the Rights, the Centrists, the Single Platformers, the Dive Platformers, the All-Arounders, and the Unofficial Undecideds.
Now that the president has stepped forth and stood beside the opposition, warmly reaching out to political commentators of all shapes and sizes, the world is both shocked and unsurprised.
The truth will find a way.
We are one species.
Imagine all the possibilities if we admitted such.
For starters, politicians could focus on tough issues, not worried that they won't get reelected because they've all declared themselves head of every party fronting viable and unlikely candidates.
Business and government fully merge into one entity, doing away with old confusing labels.
Standing armies and private armies - what's the difference anymore?
The Geneva Convention gives way to a universal business code of ethics.
All is all.
The business-as-usual approach to changing market conditions.
Holly/Bolly/Hongwood media industries become the official voice of the people, no longer required to produce quasishocking storylines to gain market share, although they will continue to produce antiestablishment films and music to identify which citizens are attracted to topics of an antisocial nature and need reeducation or one-way trips to Mauritius, Afghanistan or Aruba.
Children who complain that the house is too cold or the food variety is unacceptable will be required to chop and haul wood to stoves used for heating their rooms and work on the farm to raise and slaughter animals and plants which they'll cook for the whole neighbourhood every evening.
City parks will be converted into working farms to show urban dwellers that life doesn't happen by magic.
Addicted gamers will be required to work in virtual factories that the gamers don't know are connected to real automated ones (and you thought a simulated play environment let you escape your chores - wait until you see what we do with unproductive working gamers!).
The president is smiling - she is in a happy place. All is right with the world of people who aren't going anyplace else anytime soon.
Of course, the Committee has me working on how to convert their entities into the material that'll let them move in and out of the twines, strings and bubbles woven into whatever it is we're not supposed to talk about because it can't be fully described in this universe.
No time to proofread - there's a species to observe quietly and satirically. Every voice, no matter what it's saying, is the voice of my people - celebrate them all equally and the life-affirming will outshine the life-negating everytime, especially when satire contains the hidden and obvious seeds for growing the next generation's glorious achievements.
Thanks to all the wonderful, beautiful, smiling faces at Thai Garden last night, where commerce meets the family dinner table.
The Ups, the Downs, the Lefts, the Rights, the Centrists, the Single Platformers, the Dive Platformers, the All-Arounders, and the Unofficial Undecideds.
Now that the president has stepped forth and stood beside the opposition, warmly reaching out to political commentators of all shapes and sizes, the world is both shocked and unsurprised.
The truth will find a way.
We are one species.
Imagine all the possibilities if we admitted such.
For starters, politicians could focus on tough issues, not worried that they won't get reelected because they've all declared themselves head of every party fronting viable and unlikely candidates.
Business and government fully merge into one entity, doing away with old confusing labels.
Standing armies and private armies - what's the difference anymore?
The Geneva Convention gives way to a universal business code of ethics.
All is all.
The business-as-usual approach to changing market conditions.
Holly/Bolly/Hongwood media industries become the official voice of the people, no longer required to produce quasishocking storylines to gain market share, although they will continue to produce antiestablishment films and music to identify which citizens are attracted to topics of an antisocial nature and need reeducation or one-way trips to Mauritius, Afghanistan or Aruba.
Children who complain that the house is too cold or the food variety is unacceptable will be required to chop and haul wood to stoves used for heating their rooms and work on the farm to raise and slaughter animals and plants which they'll cook for the whole neighbourhood every evening.
City parks will be converted into working farms to show urban dwellers that life doesn't happen by magic.
Addicted gamers will be required to work in virtual factories that the gamers don't know are connected to real automated ones (and you thought a simulated play environment let you escape your chores - wait until you see what we do with unproductive working gamers!).
The president is smiling - she is in a happy place. All is right with the world of people who aren't going anyplace else anytime soon.
Of course, the Committee has me working on how to convert their entities into the material that'll let them move in and out of the twines, strings and bubbles woven into whatever it is we're not supposed to talk about because it can't be fully described in this universe.
No time to proofread - there's a species to observe quietly and satirically. Every voice, no matter what it's saying, is the voice of my people - celebrate them all equally and the life-affirming will outshine the life-negating everytime, especially when satire contains the hidden and obvious seeds for growing the next generation's glorious achievements.
Thanks to all the wonderful, beautiful, smiling faces at Thai Garden last night, where commerce meets the family dinner table.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Sugar-Coated Pecans on Toucans in Tin Pan Alley for Supper Again
I was in the study/lab/front bedroom/junkroom composing a symphony (yes, writing mathematical formulae can feel like that - what is music, after all?).
"I was in..."
The start of the first sentence of this blog began a train of thought, not a beguine, and diverted me from the path I intended to take.
I wanted to express my thanks to those I have not thanked lately, like Jason and Danielle of South Side Swing and one of their swing dance students, Brianna, for bringing my wife and me into the world of 5-6-7-8 dance routines.
After 25 years of wildly thrashing on the dance floor, much to my wife's tolerance (if not impatience or embarrassment), I have joined the throngs of men who give in to their wives' demands to look like one half of a coordinated couple on the parquet.
We have learned, if not perfected, one of many swing styles, this one called Lindy, if I remember correctly.
Thanks to the folks at Alabama Youth Ballet for the use of their facilities. It is interesting to learn to dance in a building where ballet and martial arts are taught at the same time. Sometimes, I feel like I am hearing dancers in tutus being tortured by karate chops (or is that taekwondo* next door?).
Much to learn, much to learn. I am at the newbie mercy of my dancing instructors. Patience, little grasshopper, you will learn to swing without upsetting the rice mat.
[*the blogger dictionary wants to change this word to Wonderbra - interesting]
But as usual, I digress, my thought set compressed against but decompressing from the style of writers like Mary Roach, John Locke, James Joyce, Douglas Adams, etc., who wander far afield and may discuss the philosophy behind the design of portable toilets to highlight the need for better television remote control devices just to conclude that the random spread of tree limbs in a forest does not constitute the secret code of a group of nomad herders on the upper steppes of Nowheresville.
I suppose I will not return to the thought that attracted my body to the virtual thought set extension system of wireless keyboard and mouse to announce to you...
Oh yeah, that's it!
I have found, in a dusty old volume of chemical formula conversion tables, the necine bases needed for the internecine basis upon which that which cannot be told or mentioned can be written about in the first epic volume of an X-part set of technical manuals for translating the definition of materials which do not exist in the universe as we know it.
Exciting, is it not?
More as it develops.
I have my programmers running more "what if" scenarios about the changes to the 1000-year plan should we release the full description of the weave pattern that is fully exposed in and around us all the time, ripping apart the fabric of space and time as we see the universe today.
"Parallel universes"? Ha! What a childish concept.
Do I hear the Big Bang fizzling out?
But I get ahead of myself, as usual.
"I was in..."
The start of the first sentence of this blog began a train of thought, not a beguine, and diverted me from the path I intended to take.
I wanted to express my thanks to those I have not thanked lately, like Jason and Danielle of South Side Swing and one of their swing dance students, Brianna, for bringing my wife and me into the world of 5-6-7-8 dance routines.
After 25 years of wildly thrashing on the dance floor, much to my wife's tolerance (if not impatience or embarrassment), I have joined the throngs of men who give in to their wives' demands to look like one half of a coordinated couple on the parquet.
We have learned, if not perfected, one of many swing styles, this one called Lindy, if I remember correctly.
Thanks to the folks at Alabama Youth Ballet for the use of their facilities. It is interesting to learn to dance in a building where ballet and martial arts are taught at the same time. Sometimes, I feel like I am hearing dancers in tutus being tortured by karate chops (or is that taekwondo* next door?).
Much to learn, much to learn. I am at the newbie mercy of my dancing instructors. Patience, little grasshopper, you will learn to swing without upsetting the rice mat.
[*the blogger dictionary wants to change this word to Wonderbra - interesting]
But as usual, I digress, my thought set compressed against but decompressing from the style of writers like Mary Roach, John Locke, James Joyce, Douglas Adams, etc., who wander far afield and may discuss the philosophy behind the design of portable toilets to highlight the need for better television remote control devices just to conclude that the random spread of tree limbs in a forest does not constitute the secret code of a group of nomad herders on the upper steppes of Nowheresville.
I suppose I will not return to the thought that attracted my body to the virtual thought set extension system of wireless keyboard and mouse to announce to you...
Oh yeah, that's it!
I have found, in a dusty old volume of chemical formula conversion tables, the necine bases needed for the internecine basis upon which that which cannot be told or mentioned can be written about in the first epic volume of an X-part set of technical manuals for translating the definition of materials which do not exist in the universe as we know it.
Exciting, is it not?
More as it develops.
I have my programmers running more "what if" scenarios about the changes to the 1000-year plan should we release the full description of the weave pattern that is fully exposed in and around us all the time, ripping apart the fabric of space and time as we see the universe today.
"Parallel universes"? Ha! What a childish concept.
Do I hear the Big Bang fizzling out?
But I get ahead of myself, as usual.
The light at the end of the tunnel... the conductor waving a lamp, inviting you to jump on-board!
Three more points of light:
And maybe, if we're lucky, Brian Cowen will be out of a job soon!
Three more points of light:
And maybe, if we're lucky, Brian Cowen will be out of a job soon!
Good news for modern mandible exercisers
My wife and I do not have a regular, or rather, favourite produce market.
By way of convenience, we purchase most of our food products at either Publix or Walmart but we make sure we visit farmers' markets and make the occasional tour through Earth Fare or similar specialty stores for variety.
We were glad to hear that Walmart and the Housewife of the White House (a/k/a the First Lady; a/k/a the White Housewife (sorry, Mickie, I couldn't resist the juxtaposition)), Mrs. Barack Obama, announced the industry-leading effort to make healthy food choices more affordable.
On a separate note, the Conglomerate today announced that in order to increase profits and prevent retail businesses from having to put all their sales in one seasonal basket, Christmas season is being split in half.
Those born on odd days - 1, 3, 5, etc. - will celebrate Christmas on its regularly scheduled day in December (or January in the Orthodox system).
Those born on even days - 2, 4, 6, etc. - will celebrate Christmas on 25th June, or its equivalent in your local calendrical system.
Those taking exception to this new system will have to petition the Conglomerate for permission to switch from one day to the other.
Families or coworkers caught casually celebrating the holiday together, or more specifically, accepting gifts on the day for which you and/or they are not permitted to celebrate, will be barred from giving or accepting gifts for a period of years determined by the level of expense associated with your and/or their celebration.
In a related note, birth centers are now scheduling specific times and dates to accommodate pregnant women who choose to go through the natural birth process. Births may be arranged so that all family members are born on odd or even days. They may also be arranged to occur within the range of newly-organised signs of the zodiac.
Kodiak bears with Kodak cameras will not be accommodated, however much they want to participate in this joyous new celebration of All Things Commercial.
The Conglomerate is taking the bears' request under consideration and seeking advisement about other species being allowed to shop for Christmas now that they have a level of self-awareness nearly the same as ours.
The Conglomerate continues the ban on advertisements directed toward nonhuman species, giving the other species the opportunity to educate themselves about common fallacies, tautologies and illogical suppositions buried in many adverts.
Veterinarians for Equal Access to Life (VEAL) applauded the Conglomerate's stand on this important issue of species equality, despite hoping that the Conglomerate would issue a Universal Rights of Species proclamation.
Thousands of comedians died today but no apocalyptic group took notice and sounded the alarm that the end is near. Satirists and satyrs are rolling over in their eternal sleep to keep from getting cloud or brimstone sores, as the case may be.
It was fun to watch Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune over the past few weeks to observe the time-delayed buildup and release of tension associated with the midterm Congressional elections.
Sociology of the Future is also sociology of the nearterm past. My Futurists University will issue you a bachelor's degree if you can give us all the correct answers (or at least 56% of them (+/- 5%), if you pay us enough), without knowing the questions, of course, or the courses' syllabi.
By way of convenience, we purchase most of our food products at either Publix or Walmart but we make sure we visit farmers' markets and make the occasional tour through Earth Fare or similar specialty stores for variety.
We were glad to hear that Walmart and the Housewife of the White House (a/k/a the First Lady; a/k/a the White Housewife (sorry, Mickie, I couldn't resist the juxtaposition)), Mrs. Barack Obama, announced the industry-leading effort to make healthy food choices more affordable.
On a separate note, the Conglomerate today announced that in order to increase profits and prevent retail businesses from having to put all their sales in one seasonal basket, Christmas season is being split in half.
Those born on odd days - 1, 3, 5, etc. - will celebrate Christmas on its regularly scheduled day in December (or January in the Orthodox system).
Those born on even days - 2, 4, 6, etc. - will celebrate Christmas on 25th June, or its equivalent in your local calendrical system.
Those taking exception to this new system will have to petition the Conglomerate for permission to switch from one day to the other.
Families or coworkers caught casually celebrating the holiday together, or more specifically, accepting gifts on the day for which you and/or they are not permitted to celebrate, will be barred from giving or accepting gifts for a period of years determined by the level of expense associated with your and/or their celebration.
In a related note, birth centers are now scheduling specific times and dates to accommodate pregnant women who choose to go through the natural birth process. Births may be arranged so that all family members are born on odd or even days. They may also be arranged to occur within the range of newly-organised signs of the zodiac.
Kodiak bears with Kodak cameras will not be accommodated, however much they want to participate in this joyous new celebration of All Things Commercial.
The Conglomerate is taking the bears' request under consideration and seeking advisement about other species being allowed to shop for Christmas now that they have a level of self-awareness nearly the same as ours.
The Conglomerate continues the ban on advertisements directed toward nonhuman species, giving the other species the opportunity to educate themselves about common fallacies, tautologies and illogical suppositions buried in many adverts.
Veterinarians for Equal Access to Life (VEAL) applauded the Conglomerate's stand on this important issue of species equality, despite hoping that the Conglomerate would issue a Universal Rights of Species proclamation.
Thousands of comedians died today but no apocalyptic group took notice and sounded the alarm that the end is near. Satirists and satyrs are rolling over in their eternal sleep to keep from getting cloud or brimstone sores, as the case may be.
It was fun to watch Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune over the past few weeks to observe the time-delayed buildup and release of tension associated with the midterm Congressional elections.
Sociology of the Future is also sociology of the nearterm past. My Futurists University will issue you a bachelor's degree if you can give us all the correct answers (or at least 56% of them (+/- 5%), if you pay us enough), without knowing the questions, of course, or the courses' syllabi.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Market Potential
Is it possible that the U.S. is the equivalent of a "niche" market now?
If so, is American English still the world's best language for universal communications?
If yes to both questions, then do I pay more attention to developments in China/India and less to the U.S. in creating the storyline that walks/surfs the front wave of our species' changes, chronicling them on a site like baidu but using my subcultural language that is easily translatable to Mandarin?
Pause for thought processing on this subject overnight...
If so, is American English still the world's best language for universal communications?
If yes to both questions, then do I pay more attention to developments in China/India and less to the U.S. in creating the storyline that walks/surfs the front wave of our species' changes, chronicling them on a site like baidu but using my subcultural language that is easily translatable to Mandarin?
Pause for thought processing on this subject overnight...
The knotty patterns of Celtic designs
I was working my way through "resonate: present visual stories that transform audiences" by Nancy Duarte, famous author of "slide:ology," when the Committee sent a committee to meet me at an undisclosed location.
In the old days, we would have picked a cheap location to meet and later use as a film location in a re-enactment for fictional narrative purposes only, not as a training video presented on national television disguised as a miniseries that some of my esteemed colleagues have accused us of.
These days, using technology that no one has been able to decipher, in more ways than one (because we decided to go ahead and put to use our knowledge of that which does not exist in this universe), I can sit in the driver's seat of my petite bulldog, putter around town and find out what my comrades, colleagues and associates want to discuss while hidden in full view.
So, while I was mentally flipping through Nancy's pages as I drove into town to exchange tickets from one performance to another for a traveling musical show passing through our burg, a special subcommittee (don't call them thugs or strongarms) appeared to persuade me to get out of my paper journals and back on publicly available territory for all to see and even the playing field.
They reminded me that I made a lifelong commitment to the Committee in exchange for access to unlimited use of the network called our species in the global/solar ecosystem.
Here I am, translating the untranslatable into legible mathematical formulae to help our species understand the interlaced layers of matter/antimatter familiar to us woven with other "material" that we can't yet detect using conventional instrumentation, and the Committee wants me to make a ruling/judgment about the humour used by a British actor in a bogus, self-centered, self-absorbed, self-inflating industry awards show shown on the tellie for gullible global audiences!
Pardon my English but can I ask the Committee to piss off or sod off?
We've got a species to save and they want to worry about the bonuses they're projected to make at the end of the next project tied to marketing a film loaded with bad actors, a thin plotline and over-the-top CG effects?
Everyday, common stuff that businesses deal with in one jargon-filled form or another.
Just as some look at Germany's industrial growth from the early 1900s leading to mechanised war and predict that another country will want to assert itself militarily in the next couple of decades, futurists predict that the day of the living actor and surrounding business of entertainment is transforming into an army of mechanised automatons that can be mixed and matched to act out any plot perfectly.
The Age of the Algorithm.
Biorhythm experts need not apply.
Hasn't the Committee heard this already?
I assume I repeat this to comfort their insecurity about meeting their stockholders' and marketplace's fickle expectations.
The ubiquity of shows dedicated to analysing who wore what on the red carpet is a clear indication of the obsessive behaviour of examining the lint and minutia of a dying industry, or at least one in a long narcissistic decline.
The audience is its own set of actors, happily unpaid and writing/performing scripts madeup in the moment.
Now, on to more Earth-shattering analysis. How do I draw a symbol for something that can't be represented by a symbol?
In the old days, we would have picked a cheap location to meet and later use as a film location in a re-enactment for fictional narrative purposes only, not as a training video presented on national television disguised as a miniseries that some of my esteemed colleagues have accused us of.
These days, using technology that no one has been able to decipher, in more ways than one (because we decided to go ahead and put to use our knowledge of that which does not exist in this universe), I can sit in the driver's seat of my petite bulldog, putter around town and find out what my comrades, colleagues and associates want to discuss while hidden in full view.
So, while I was mentally flipping through Nancy's pages as I drove into town to exchange tickets from one performance to another for a traveling musical show passing through our burg, a special subcommittee (don't call them thugs or strongarms) appeared to persuade me to get out of my paper journals and back on publicly available territory for all to see and even the playing field.
They reminded me that I made a lifelong commitment to the Committee in exchange for access to unlimited use of the network called our species in the global/solar ecosystem.
Here I am, translating the untranslatable into legible mathematical formulae to help our species understand the interlaced layers of matter/antimatter familiar to us woven with other "material" that we can't yet detect using conventional instrumentation, and the Committee wants me to make a ruling/judgment about the humour used by a British actor in a bogus, self-centered, self-absorbed, self-inflating industry awards show shown on the tellie for gullible global audiences!
Pardon my English but can I ask the Committee to piss off or sod off?
We've got a species to save and they want to worry about the bonuses they're projected to make at the end of the next project tied to marketing a film loaded with bad actors, a thin plotline and over-the-top CG effects?
Everyday, common stuff that businesses deal with in one jargon-filled form or another.
Just as some look at Germany's industrial growth from the early 1900s leading to mechanised war and predict that another country will want to assert itself militarily in the next couple of decades, futurists predict that the day of the living actor and surrounding business of entertainment is transforming into an army of mechanised automatons that can be mixed and matched to act out any plot perfectly.
The Age of the Algorithm.
Biorhythm experts need not apply.
Hasn't the Committee heard this already?
I assume I repeat this to comfort their insecurity about meeting their stockholders' and marketplace's fickle expectations.
The ubiquity of shows dedicated to analysing who wore what on the red carpet is a clear indication of the obsessive behaviour of examining the lint and minutia of a dying industry, or at least one in a long narcissistic decline.
The audience is its own set of actors, happily unpaid and writing/performing scripts madeup in the moment.
Now, on to more Earth-shattering analysis. How do I draw a symbol for something that can't be represented by a symbol?
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Wanted: A Nonrecombinatorial Novel Approach
I can't remember the last reader comment I received.
Thus, instead of flipping bits in a server stored in a data center I know not where, I return to my paper journals.
A spot guaranteed to garner zero reader comments (other than mine) or my thoughts uninterrupted (other than by the cats).
THE END once more
Thus, instead of flipping bits in a server stored in a data center I know not where, I return to my paper journals.
A spot guaranteed to garner zero reader comments (other than mine) or my thoughts uninterrupted (other than by the cats).
THE END once more
3D Sensory Perception
As daffodils push their leaves up out of the ground, I see birds in the tree limbs overhead.
But I cannot hear them.
The whistling of tinnitus is louder than normal today.
And with that, I have lost part of my former normal hearing.
And with that, I have lost part of my three-dimensional sensory perception (or 4D, if you consider time of flight (of sound and birds)).
The second time my wife and I met, at age 14, we hiked five days on the Appalachian Trail. Ten years later, we married.
My reputation at that time earned me the nickname "Eagle Eyes" because I could hear many sounds others couldn't and would identify the source of many of the sounds, usually birds, accurately.
Boy Scout training, in that case, taught me to pull order out of the chaos of background noise.
Now, much of what I see and hear is background noise again.
Would that I could write a violin piece for someone like Anne-Sophie Mutter and hear all the subharmonics!
Perhaps I could convince my wife that I prefer hikes on the AT to walking through shopping districts and tourist traps?
I don't remember as many birds or their sounds as I used to, but then again I can't hear them, so there is a symmetry to my forgetfulness.
To see the silence of space from a suborbital craft would suit me just fine, I'm sure.
Today is a time for quiet meditation.
No need to see or hear much.
My curiosity is not piqued.
Small piles of glommed-together snowflakes melt under the pelt of rain.
Give in to the tinnitus, sssssssssssss...
Give in to a morning lost, zzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
But I cannot hear them.
The whistling of tinnitus is louder than normal today.
And with that, I have lost part of my former normal hearing.
And with that, I have lost part of my three-dimensional sensory perception (or 4D, if you consider time of flight (of sound and birds)).
The second time my wife and I met, at age 14, we hiked five days on the Appalachian Trail. Ten years later, we married.
My reputation at that time earned me the nickname "Eagle Eyes" because I could hear many sounds others couldn't and would identify the source of many of the sounds, usually birds, accurately.
Boy Scout training, in that case, taught me to pull order out of the chaos of background noise.
Now, much of what I see and hear is background noise again.
Would that I could write a violin piece for someone like Anne-Sophie Mutter and hear all the subharmonics!
Perhaps I could convince my wife that I prefer hikes on the AT to walking through shopping districts and tourist traps?
I don't remember as many birds or their sounds as I used to, but then again I can't hear them, so there is a symmetry to my forgetfulness.
To see the silence of space from a suborbital craft would suit me just fine, I'm sure.
Today is a time for quiet meditation.
No need to see or hear much.
My curiosity is not piqued.
Small piles of glommed-together snowflakes melt under the pelt of rain.
Give in to the tinnitus, sssssssssssss...
Give in to a morning lost, zzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
Monday, January 17, 2011
Move to Tennessee, hide your income...or not
If you value openness, do yourself a favour and take your business to any state in the U.S.A. but Tennessee. The state's government leaders like to hide more and more and more...
It'll be my sweet torture to see the governor nominated for a U.S.-wide post in 2012.
Sigh...whatever happened to my state of happiness?
Oh yeah, like Andrew Jackson and Andrew Johnson were model citizens!
It'll be my sweet torture to see the governor nominated for a U.S.-wide post in 2012.
Sigh...whatever happened to my state of happiness?
Oh yeah, like Andrew Jackson and Andrew Johnson were model citizens!
Horse walks into a pub. The barman says:
- "Why the long face?"
- "Hay! Here's the mane menu for today."
- "Life got you feelin' a bit reined in, eh?"
- "Chewing on your bits and pieces, are you?"
- Fill in the blank: ______________________
If your population is being fed processed food, is that a sign you're being misled or misfed? Should you even get out of bed? What exactly's going through your head?
The freedom to speak one's thoughts openly is a blessing one can never fully appreciate in one's lifetime - long after you're gone, others will determine the worth of your freedom in the moment and the meaning/value to their celebration of freedom.
Is life a comparison of this to that all the time?
When is an orchid no longer wild?
When has a prizefighter reached prime?
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Another dustbuster bites the One?
Just when I thought there was nothing else that could be attributed to keeping NASA and its contractors on the ballooning government payroll, I found out, through a review about and the stories in the book by Mary Roach, that there's a PCLP who might be feeding us hogwash.
What kind of humour will I think to find next?
What kind of humour will I think to find next?
Matter and Antimatter
While the Fermi satellite verifies positronic thunderstorm activity, we have to ask, what's going on here:
- Anti-investment: Solar going Chinese
- Investment: Chinese going German
Science Has A Face of Humour
Sense has a farce of humour?
Humour has a sense of science?
Faces have a humourous science?
We believe what we see because we can't see anything else.
Humour has a sense of science?
Faces have a humourous science?
We believe what we see because we can't see anything else.
A Self-Guiding Auto Tour
Many of the icicles are gone.
But the bent gutter lingers on.
Birds are not as desperate for an easy meal.
The star radiates and exposed surfaces warm.
We go about our rituals in harmony with others.
Simple sentences, in part, impart simple images.
How many of us spend our whole days going from one simple sentence to another?
A life sentence, n'est pas?
Therefore, I return to the box full of circles and spirals.
Which ones shall I repeat, alomost word for word?
Should I put on my linguist/cryptographer hat and create a new method of communication?
Speaking in tongues - using music or abstract art - and playing the melodious interactions of my social species any way I please?
Are you more interested in the magician's sleight-of-hand or the magician's lifestyle choices?
Reading thought sets that contain little in the area of new ideas (through no fault of their own, either because of rote training or innate tendencies) reveals where the sewer pipes run or the septic tank and field lines lie.
Humour informs and it also teaches.
I have the legs but do I want to stand on my own two feet and take responsibility for what my humour can reveal to those wanting to develop new habits of thinking?
Or is my journey a solo trip through lands where tribes and clans proudly protect rituals that have worked for many a generation?
So easy to fall back on the thought that the time in which I live is the enlightened one.
Modern conveniences become inconvenient by comparison.
Postcards, slates and wall paintings still have their uses.
This is one of at least 14,355 blocks of modern communications left to communicate that which has not yet been spoken and that which has not been rehashed one more time.
I do not want to disturb those who comfortably enjoy their ageless rituals.
And those like me, who already know what's going on, already know what's going on and what will continue to occur in one cycle or spiral or another.
I wish I could give the curious the encouraging knowledge that unveiling what the illusion of the universe covers up changes the world in a fundamental way.
The set of thoughts that define how you see the world changes.
But trees are still trees and squirrels are still nuts about nuts.
And I am still a childless ol' coot living out a lifelong childhood because I have no personal need to take the parented world seriously.
So, in my imaginary world of fairness, I don't think it's right that I expose to all groups what any one group of parents is teaching their children about/against other groups at any one time.
I can only hope to find where the membranes of subcultural cells are permeable (or semipermeable) and hope there's a common substance of an idea that they'll share on an equally healthy basis, no matter how healthy or unhealthy a particular cell/subculture may be, now, in the past or in the future.
All I know is all is all.
States of energy.
Simple thoughts for a slowly deteriorating simple person who seeks to uncomplicate his simple life.
All while building up the courage and energy to describe a set of conditions where states of energy do not exist.
As the saying goes, how do you describe time to a one-dimensional dot?
What's the point of having the power of the universe if the universe is such a tiny thing in comparison to something else?
The misdirection of humour - use it wisely - it is the only universal truth.
But the bent gutter lingers on.
Birds are not as desperate for an easy meal.
The star radiates and exposed surfaces warm.
We go about our rituals in harmony with others.
Simple sentences, in part, impart simple images.
How many of us spend our whole days going from one simple sentence to another?
A life sentence, n'est pas?
Therefore, I return to the box full of circles and spirals.
Which ones shall I repeat, alomost word for word?
Should I put on my linguist/cryptographer hat and create a new method of communication?
Speaking in tongues - using music or abstract art - and playing the melodious interactions of my social species any way I please?
Are you more interested in the magician's sleight-of-hand or the magician's lifestyle choices?
Reading thought sets that contain little in the area of new ideas (through no fault of their own, either because of rote training or innate tendencies) reveals where the sewer pipes run or the septic tank and field lines lie.
Humour informs and it also teaches.
I have the legs but do I want to stand on my own two feet and take responsibility for what my humour can reveal to those wanting to develop new habits of thinking?
Or is my journey a solo trip through lands where tribes and clans proudly protect rituals that have worked for many a generation?
So easy to fall back on the thought that the time in which I live is the enlightened one.
Modern conveniences become inconvenient by comparison.
Postcards, slates and wall paintings still have their uses.
This is one of at least 14,355 blocks of modern communications left to communicate that which has not yet been spoken and that which has not been rehashed one more time.
I do not want to disturb those who comfortably enjoy their ageless rituals.
And those like me, who already know what's going on, already know what's going on and what will continue to occur in one cycle or spiral or another.
I wish I could give the curious the encouraging knowledge that unveiling what the illusion of the universe covers up changes the world in a fundamental way.
The set of thoughts that define how you see the world changes.
But trees are still trees and squirrels are still nuts about nuts.
And I am still a childless ol' coot living out a lifelong childhood because I have no personal need to take the parented world seriously.
So, in my imaginary world of fairness, I don't think it's right that I expose to all groups what any one group of parents is teaching their children about/against other groups at any one time.
I can only hope to find where the membranes of subcultural cells are permeable (or semipermeable) and hope there's a common substance of an idea that they'll share on an equally healthy basis, no matter how healthy or unhealthy a particular cell/subculture may be, now, in the past or in the future.
All I know is all is all.
States of energy.
Simple thoughts for a slowly deteriorating simple person who seeks to uncomplicate his simple life.
All while building up the courage and energy to describe a set of conditions where states of energy do not exist.
As the saying goes, how do you describe time to a one-dimensional dot?
What's the point of having the power of the universe if the universe is such a tiny thing in comparison to something else?
The misdirection of humour - use it wisely - it is the only universal truth.
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