Generations from now, when these bones are dust, ashes from the funeral pyre of a great leader will fan the lanes of corduroy lines that shifting bands of air pressure we call wind have found.
Archaeologists will analyse tubes of Bob Barker shaving cream as well preserved as any aged starlet.
Laser-guided golf balls will make holes-in-one par.
Sport coats will sport tissue box dispensers with pockets for recycling composters bearing posters of sports stars sportingly tearing tissues while pushing envelopes across finish lines.
Legislators will debate humour in the first degree.
Hotel and house cleaners will host hotelier house guests with names like Jose de Jesus Rodriguez, may he rest in peace.
Stacked rows of rowers and bikers will replace horsepower as horsepower for long-distance haulers when switchgrass is no longer cost-effective fodder for fuel-starved iron horses.
A strawberry picker attracts magnates like magnets.
Lithuania petitions the U.S. not to abolish the apparent population redistribution sewn into social security payments for expats populating lithe housing estates.
Stonecutters slice off their spite to face their noses.
The price of eggs in China is no yolk.
Swiss yodelers form barbershop quartets in Peruvian Thai bazaars Bavarian-style.
Bizarre though it may be, Byzantine Ovaltine cup sales extrude Trudy's trunks through troughs to take microfiber development to new peaks in valleys.
A missile silo becomes a home for war orphans.
Bald female board members make bold statements.
That's tomorrow's news today. Now, back to yesterday again once more.
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