I know this sounds silly, 'cause I'm not one for taking myself seriously, but something doesn't feel right to me.
I wish I knew what it was/is but it is preventing me from reporting the future that I see is coming.
I apologise for the profundity, produntity or or nonprofitable proclivity but I can't express in these words what's bothering me.
It is, I'm afraid, neither worse nor better than you can imagine.
It is something else entirely new, something I haven't encountered, and it's fogging up the crystal ball and changing the combination on the lock holding down the cover on the Book of the Future.
A storm is brewing which will clear the air for me.
Until then, a little lightning and thunder will fill the air for some.
'Tis what is.
These words are not what they seem. The metaphors are not literal.
You know what that means - you're on your own for a few more days, I'm afraid.
[or is that, "you're on your own for a few more days. I'm afraid."?]
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